Bernie Sanders Save the Children Fund – IOTW Report

12 Comments on Bernie Sanders Save the Children Fund

  1. Yep. Too many choices, Bernie. For the good of all, we should have only one choice.

    And since he was the first to announce his candidacy, it only stands to reason that the choice for president should be Ted Cruz.

    Because fairness.

  2. So without economic activity, like companies marketing 23 different types of deodorant, how is society going to be able to afford to help starving children? We can afford to be benevolent because our economic activity generates wealth over and above that which is necessary for strict survival (food, shelter, clothing, etc.). Eliminate that economic activity, the ability to assist those in need will also be eliminated.

    So far, the Democrats are proposing a crook and a moron as Presidential candidates for 2016. This is the best they can do?

  3. The reason the children are starving, Bernie, is because multiple decades of big government regulations and taxes YOU VOTED FOR forced companies that make these things to manufacture them overseas, taking the jobs away from these poors kid’s parents.

  4. How does variety of deodorant or sneakers at the store cause children to starve?
    Honestly, it’s not like someone in some ivory tower is saying “make deodorant and sneakers instead of food!”.
    Oh, yeah….they actually do that in communist countries….

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