Biden Squelches Migrant Emergency Declaration For The City of El Paso – IOTW Report

Biden Squelches Migrant Emergency Declaration For The City of El Paso

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

If anything tells us of the callousness of the Biden administration, it’s news from the El Paso city council, which found that Joe Biden told the city’s Democrat mayor to not declare a emergency over the thousands of illegal migrants flooding the city.

According to the New York Post:

The White House pressured the Democratic mayor of El Paso, Texas, to not declare a state of emergency over the city’s migrant crisis due to fear it would make President Biden look bad, The Post has learned.

At least three of the El Paso City Council’s eight members have urged Mayor Oscar Leeser to issue an emergency declaration in response to the thousands of migrants who’ve filled the city’s shelters and are being housed in local hotels, sources familiar with the matter said.

But Leeser admitted during a private phone conversation last month that he’d been directed otherwise by the Biden administration, one of the officials told The Post.

“He told me the White House asked him not to,” Councilmember Claudia Rodriguez said.

It wasn’t just the city council members who’d been told this about Biden putting the kibbosh on the declaration. Rep. Tony Gonzalez, through his channels, said he’d heard the same thing from other city officials, according to the Post. Read more

11 Comments on Biden Squelches Migrant Emergency Declaration For The City of El Paso

  1. What a suck-ass Mayor!
    Fuck El Paso – they voted for the suck-ass – they got him.

    Too bad; so sad – elections (even stolen ones) have consequences.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. “why would anyone do what xiden says?”

    Mayor Leeser’s been eating out of Joetato’s depends.
    “In for a penny; in for a pound.”
    He sold his soul.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “fINISH the fence, mine the perimeter, shoot illegal crossers on sight.”

    That’s a start – but until we eliminate all the traitors on THIS side of the border it’ll continue to be a problem.

    Oh, yeah, seize the assets of the illegals here, round em up, and deport them.
    (it CAN be done)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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