Biden to “Double Down” on Current Policies – IOTW Report

Biden to “Double Down” on Current Policies


During an interview with ABC News on Tuesday, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison vowed that even if Republicans take control of Congress in the midterm elections, “we are going to continue to double down in terms of the efforts” that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris “are trying to make in order to improve this country, to give relief to hardworking Americans.”

Host Diane Macedo asked, “Now, Jaime, if Republicans do take control of Congress, how will you re-examine Democrats’ strategy ahead of 2024?” More

14 Comments on Biden to “Double Down” on Current Policies

  1. Majority of Americans polled believe the way to solve inflation is for the government to hand out more checks. Yes, really.

    Go ahead, Biden. Double down on that, give Americans the relief they need. Pass Inflation Reduction Act 2.0, think of how fast Biden will solve the climate crisis.

  2. Cmn¢¢guy, when you have 8% inflation, food cost at least 40% more.

    On the other hand, when social security benefits go up the most on record on Biden’s watch it’s because he’s empathetic to senior needs, food inflation for seniors is 0%.

  3. Since it looks like there will be no “red wave” the Democrats will feel that they have a mandate to continue destroying the country. And apparently there are enough people in this country who agree with them (maybe there really were 80 million plus people who voted for Biden).

  4. “Food inflation for seniors is zero”

    That has to be the most ignorant statement I’ve heard in a while.
    The increase in SS NEVER covers inflation, increase in fuel, increase in prescriptions, medical care, etc.
    Do a little research.

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