Biden to Mar 80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings – IOTW Report

Biden to Mar 80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings


President Joe Biden arrived in Paris on Wednesday for the 80th observance of D-Day, joining an expected two dozen world leaders where he is expected to draw parallels between democracy and authoritarianism.

Dozens of World War II veterans will join Biden in recognizing the turning point in the global conflict. A ceremony will praise British, Canadian and U.S. soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944. More

According to The Hill, Biden and team intend to turn what should be a solemn occasion into a political stunt. Here

25 Comments on Biden to Mar 80th Anniversary of D-Day Landings

  1. Yeah, I had to look it up to make sure I was spelling it right.

    I hope everyone on the right picks up on this and shames them into oblivion for such a cheap stunt.

  2. Maybe he’ll regale us with the tales of how he stormed the beaches after parachuting behind the lines where he took Rommel behind the shed and beat the hell out of him,… joke.

  3. Joe will talk about his other “Uncle” who captured 300 SS prisoners behind Utah beach after taking out the German ’88s single handedly…before breakfast…

  4. Jackals Joe lies so much they even fall out when they empty his Depends…

    He eats, sleeps and shits lies. He even pisses on the nation and tells us “it’s just raining folks”

  5. “Biden has staunchly moved away from Trump’s America First agenda, which was focused on isolationism, and has rejoined global alliances and partnerships.”

    How’s that for unbiased journalism?

  6. Joe Biden: “I was there! I lead a diverse group of Puerto Ricans, women of color, gays, black transgender women, indigenous people, “breakfast taco” Hispanics, and former slaves and we stormed Utah beach along with Senator Mitt Romney. True story. Not a joke.
    Don’t jump!”

  7. I keep wondering what other damage can Biden do to the nation and the world, and it never ends. This scumbag is a mere puppet to the most evil people this side of North Korea.

  8. Nowut Ameen

    Spot on. But what these weak sisters don’t seem to understand, where ever the United States of America may wonder policy wise, the Your A Peeings will soon follow. They’re the epitome of weak and spineless. Just like our current leaders.

  9. I remember watching the CBS news special with Walter Cronkite and former General and President Eisenhower on the 20th anniversary of D-Day visiting the Normandy beaches where D-Day occurred in 1964 when I was 11 and Reagan at Normandy in 1984 on the 40th anniversary of D-Day. It’s hard to believe that it’s been 80 years since then, the youngest and last of the surviving D-Day veterans are all about 98 or 99 and will be gone soon. I don’t want to hear joey muck it tomorrow and make it all about himself so I’m tuning the old geezer out. He is totally shameless in any remarks that he might make of the sacrifices those young men of the greatest generation, my dad’s generation made 80 years ago to destroy the Nazi’s forever. Joey is just a coward and chickenshit with a big mouth and a twisted evil worldview.

  10. Trump “is reeling from a New York jury finding him guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records as part of a hush money scheme”? He raised 200 mil over the weekend, got a 6 point bump (especially from the ones that count; the ones that measure likely voters), and, for the moment at least, united the people who double-crossed him behind his back.

    As for Nitwit, maybe he’ll slide off the bluffs at Omaha.

  11. Will he visit Beau’s grave at Normandy American Cemetery or just tell us all he feels the same as the families of the US Service members buried there?
    Or Uncle Bosie should be buried there but cannibals ate him.

    One big campaign event, taking video of Biden standing next to the flag with all the Crosses in the background.

    Disgusting, irreverent display by a corrupt, “4” time Vietnam deferment chicken shit.


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