Biden’s Body Language – Whispering Sweet Nothings – IOTW Report

Biden’s Body Language – Whispering Sweet Nothings

The body language ghost gives her review of Biden’s press conference yesterday. It’s not reassuring. Watch

18 Comments on Biden’s Body Language – Whispering Sweet Nothings

  1. The current going to his bulb was already causing brown outs. Now with the pressure on it’s only a matter of time before his filament gives out for good.

  2. If anything happens I can almost guarantee it will be as a result of this swaggering, bragging, lying, crazy, paranoid, demented Jackass being Hellbent on starting something and blaming “domestic terrorists”

  3. @TRF – you just gave waaaay too much credit to dementia-chinese-sock-puppet Joe Beideng. He has no clue what he is doing, or if he does, then he has no clue as to the consequences. He is sooo compromised.

  4. When his handlers give him a teleprompter, a cheat sheet and tell him which reporter to call on, he screws it up.

    Soon his handlers will stop all press conferences.

  5. Somebody must have told him to stop squinting all the time, because he’s got the crazy bug eyes now. I never thought I’d say this, but if you’re going to be a leftist despot, just put the shades back on and pretend you’re Daniel Ortega or Muammar Gadhafi. It’ll make the journos think twice.

  6. He is on such a cocktail of dementia medications he can no longer regulate his personality.

    I agree with her on that. She highlights his basic insecurities about his intelligence being challenged because he is just smart enough to be aware of how stupid he is. Thus he is bellicose, belligerent, and paranoid; aspects of his lifelong caustic and bullying personality now greatly magnified by his dementia.

    His whiplash between being too loud and then the whispers and weird facial expressions are another attempt to be sarcastic but just reveal the creepy inner pedo that he is.

    This man knows he is evil and his inner despair as he rapidly approaches death and final judgment is telling.

    He is becoming more unstable by the day and that is not good for the USA.


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