Biden’s Supreme Court Scheme Just Like Hugo Chavez’s – IOTW Report

Biden’s Supreme Court Scheme Just Like Hugo Chavez’s


Reps. Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL), Mario Díaz-Balart (R-FL), and Carlos Giménez (R-FL) excoriated President Joe Biden on Monday for proposing radical changes to the Supreme Court, warning that late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez made similar moves almost immediately after his election.

Chávez, a hardline socialist dictator, was elected to the presidency of Venezuela in 1999 and rapidly used his power to erode democratic institutions in the country. Upon his death in 2013, his successor Nicolás Maduro used state violence to silence dissent and eliminate the possibility of a free and fair election that could end the “Bolivarian Revolution.” Unlike Chávez, Maduro’s efforts were greatly strengthened by a Supreme Court dominated by socialist allies and dramatically empowered to silence the National Assembly, the federal legislature, and arrest or otherwise silence political opposition.

Maduro has held at least seven fraudulent elections since seizing power over a decade ago, the latest one taking place on Sunday. Maduro “won” the election with 51.2 percent of the vote, according to the regime-controlled National Electoral Center (CNE), but has not published election data to back up this claim; opposition leaders allege they have evidence showing they defeated Maduro in a landslide. more

9 Comments on Biden’s Supreme Court Scheme Just Like Hugo Chavez’s

  1. Biden is already dead. That’s why they are using the 6’6″ body double. They will make it official closer to the election for the sympathy vote. It will be a better funeral procession than JFK’s! Much pomp and gnashing of the media’s teeth! That will get the vote out for Kamala!


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