Bill Clinton Calls Coal Miners Ingrates – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Calls Coal Miners Ingrates

In an apparent attempt to support his wife’s commitment to “put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business” Bill Clinton declared yesterday that the coal people don’t appreciate all that he did for them when he was president.

 “They blame the president when the sun doesn’t come up in the morning now.”


They’re both flailing in mad desperation as the nation turns its back on the Clintons.


24 Comments on Bill Clinton Calls Coal Miners Ingrates

  1. Americans turn their backs on the Clintoons? More like hang them both by the neck until they are finished. Slick sold his soul to Lucifer long ago, as did that shitstained harpy he married. Karma is a wonderful thing. It comes around to bite you in your saggy ass, Willie. Escape the country with that sick Banshee while you still can.

  2. THIS ALONE should cost her Thighness the labor votes. If they support her now, its because she lined the pockets of union leaders with dirty money. Time to stand up and do what’s right for America, not the dhimmo party crooks, liars, murderers, and thieves.

  3. “Bogus Bill” is an apt aka for this traitor bastard. Coal miners are supposed to be grateful their jobs are being taken from them? They don’t have government influence or top secret information to sell. Nor will they make absurd amounts of money in “speaking fees”.The worst sentence you could get is solitary confinement, no radio, TV, or newspaper.

  4. Bad Idea to piss off a whole class of people who work hard building muscle all day, who are completely unafraid of danger, Like tearing shit up with big machines, and believe in ideas in the Good Book like” eye for an eye type stuff.
    Good way to end up at the end of a rope

    By the way Lazlo is starting a new band…The Deplorables

  5. It’s been a really bad week for the demoquacks, Dear Leader call Americans lazy, Cankles calls them deplorable and Bubba calls them ingrates.

    Someone should tell the quacks this isn’t how you win hearts and minds

  6. “They blame the president when the sun doesn’t come up in the morning now.”

    Well, that’s quite an observation there, Bill. You got any concrete examples of that happening?

    The sun not coming up, that is – not the blaming part.

    (I’ve never personally observed any morning when the sun didn’t come up, but if I ever do, assigning responsibility to some human being for it is not going to be real high on my to-do list, that’s for sure.)


  7. “We’re trying to pull of the biggest scam the world has ever seen and we are allowing you the high honor of being foot soldiers in the war against carbon. Of course, in any war there are sacrifices. Ingrates. Where are your priorities? Families, shmamilies, we got a ‘war’ going on here”

  8. There was once a time when Slick was held with some modicum of regard. NOT ANY MORE. This POS is witnessing his legacy go down the crapper with Barky’s. Must be a Kodak moment for that old shill. Here at the end of his flatulent life, seeing it all disintegrate thanks to that politically expedient marriage he made with the Succubus of Satan, just has to tear his rotten guts out. Good, you earned every ache of pain and suffering you now have, William Jefferson Clit. Be off and die! Maybe Lucifer will take you after all. We don’t want anything to do with you, or even to see you, or listen to you, or your succubus.

  9. One thing for damn sure, and that’s if there is energy in the ground sumbody’s gonna dig it up or pump it out! Guaranteed! Even a kid can figure that out!
    This whole War on Coal is simply the method that the bought and paid for traitorous defecRats are working Man Made Global Warming angle with the Chinese to devalue the coal industry down to nuthin so that the Chinese can come in and buy up the industry for pennies on the dollar and have all the cheap, high quality coal they want and weaken America in the process.
    I’ve heard the China Radio International broadcasts targeting the North American continent in English telling us what WE need to do to control Global Warming… this, from the same people who do NOTHING to clean up their act! Whutta bunch of complete Bullshit, yet this is all part of the ruse!
    Over-regulate the Hell out of us to handcuff manufacturing and productivity to the max. Shut down the coal industry like it’s some kind of filthy pariah then use it for yerself.
    Tell me that’s not just like what this devious bunch of defecRats would do!

  10. The best the democrats can do are a horrid president calling Americans lazy, amongst other insults; a former president insulting coal miners, which also insults other hard working American BROTHERS; and a lazy, slack-ass, grifting, elitist, self-inaugurated presidential candidate, who seems to illustrate EXACTLY why she is going down in the polls, with every appearance before the deplorable, ignorant, racist peons she so clearly dislikes.

    Hillary is not a good campaigner for one very basic reason, disdain for everyone except the elite, from whom she eagerly take bids in her Clinton Selling of America Auction.

  11. These same people want to replace coal fired energy with bird and bat killing wind turbines that have already been proven to be a great waste of money and energy efficiency. Unfortunately, coal isn’t produced in any large tonnage in any swing states, or the socialist/ environmentalists would suddenly find a way to make it acceptable. Same thing with nuclear energy. Promise to use it, but then do nothing to exploit the new, safer technology. We are living in a world of false prophets and true traitors.

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