Bizarre neurological illness plagues young Canadians – IOTW Report

Bizarre neurological illness plagues young Canadians


Otherwise healthy young adults in New Brunswick are falling ill with crippling symptoms

Dozens of young people with no preexisting conditions are developing symptoms of a new disease as activists and families suspect a cover-up on the part of the local government.

A whistleblower with Vitalité Health Network in New Brunswick told The Guardian on Sunday that symptoms include hallucinations, difficulty thinking, limited mobility, insomnia, and rapid weight loss. Local government has reportedly struggled to dismiss the growing number of cases as Alzheimer’s or other neurological diseases uncommon outside the elderly.

While the official number of cases recorded since the mystery illness was first publicly acknowledged in early spring has not budged upward from 48, multiple sources told The Guardian that as many as 150 people may have contracted the fast-moving illness. Still more young people require assessment, and several have died.

I’m truly concerned about these cases because they seem to evolve so fast,” the source told the outlet, acknowledging that “we owe them some kind of explanation.”

One of the more disturbing elements of the condition is how little is known regarding transmission. In at least nine cases, caretakers and others in close contact with sick individuals have developed similar symptoms to the ailing party, suggesting the illness not only spreads readily between unrelated individuals but that there may be environmental factors involved. Some have compared the illness to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a fatal brain disease caused by misshapen proteins called prions, though screening reportedly produced no confirmed CJD cases.


25 Comments on Bizarre neurological illness plagues young Canadians

  1. Dr Cole predicted last fall that based on observations he’s made in his practice, all the huge sudden jumps in formally very rare cancers in vaxxed people is leading to an inescapable conclusion.

    Is it possible here? Well sorry I’m so fucking cynical but can you blame me after all the bullshit?

  2. I’ll try to track down the articles, but this sounds pretty much exactly like what a couple of doctors described as the outcome of micro blood clots in the brain resulting from spike protein damage to cerebral blood vessels. The spike, of course, comes from either/both the Wuhan vascular endotheliitis itself, and the mRNA inoculations.

  3. We’re in the beginning stages of a mass covert holocaust and the scum doing it have the gall to pretend like they’re “saving mankind”. What total pigs, absolute the worst kind of evil.

  4. Watch the news. They’re already blaming blood clots, strokes, heart attacks and anything else that ties in with Covid, NOT the vaccine. Sadly, the branch-covidians will buy it hook line and sinker.

  5. Ehh… verify vax status? Ehh… no relationship? Ehh… did ya’ verify vax status? Ehh… no? Really? Why? Ehh… couldn’t be any relationship, I see, never mind, carry on.

  6. Ehh… verify vax status? Ehh… no relationship? Ehh… did ya’ verify vax status? Ehh… no? Really? Why? Ehh… couldn’t be any relationship, I see, never mind, my bad, carry on.

  7. I would bet that the ship builders in the area have been dumping some ugly shit into the waters and the lobster,crab, molusks have been eating then & moving them up the food chain.

    New Brunswick was about 5 months behind vaccination in Ontario & Quebec so if it was Vax related you would expect it to appear elsewhere first.

    They also have their own version of recreational drugs out there.

    Ultimately, I HAVE NO IDEA.

    The government will figure it out 2 years too late as always.

  8. @Toenex January 4, 2022 at 2:57 pm

    > I’m wondering what happens when the general public figures out that they’re being eliminated?

    Telling someone a truth they do not want to believe, will only make them angry.

    Don’t wait for the “We did this to ourselves!? Because we’re stupid!?” epiphanies.

    > I’m thinking nowhere to hide.

    True. But not for the kakistocrats that intend to enjoy their Utopia. It won’t be their fault people can’t die blissfully ignorant.

  9. The blood brain barrier is known to be breached by spike proteins according to Dr. Malone and Dr. Tenpenny warned of this a year ago. No telling what kind of neurological diseases and symptoms will be caused by this.

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