Bloomberg, Keep Your Hands Off Nevadans’ Gun Rights – IOTW Report

Bloomberg, Keep Your Hands Off Nevadans’ Gun Rights

A1F: Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is once again trying to use his wealth and influence to push through anti-gun legislation outside his home state of New York. This time his sights are set on Nevada, where he has succeeded in getting a question onto the upcoming November ballot.

A “yes” vote on Nevada Question 1 supports requiring all firearm transfers to take place through the agency of a licensed dealer, with both parties present and a background check conducted. Please note that this applies to all transfers, not just sales—meaning a Nevada resident wouldn’t be able to gift a treasured heirloom gun to a child without getting an FFL holder involved.

This measure would do much to criminalize otherwise lawful activities by gun owners who do not understand the new restrictions, but there is no indication that they would stop criminals from acquiring guns—especially since arms traffickers tend to rely heavily on straw purchases, in which an individual capable of passing a background check purchases firearms for the purpose of passing them along to criminals.  MORE

19 Comments on Bloomberg, Keep Your Hands Off Nevadans’ Gun Rights

  1. “It would stop criminals from acquiring guns”! Does this also mean that Obutthole won’t be able to give assault guns to the Mexican cartels and ISIS anymore?

  2. That picture is a good start Michael. Next insert your head between the barrels and simultaneously pull the triggers. If my understanding of physics is correct the opposing forces should cancel each other out and no harm will be done. But you would still be left brain-dead.

  3. Keep your eye on Bloomberg’s health. I have it on good authority (I can’t pass along who it was – but trustworthy) that Bloomberg is selling off all of his assets – he has a terminal illness.

  4. He’s up to the same tricks here in Maine. In fact he and his useful idiots got a question on the November ballot about gun registration and background checks.
    It is so bad that if you even lend a friend to go hunting, you would have to have a background check done on them. At your own expense. Then when your friend gives it back, they would have to have a background check done on you.

  5. You can thank the NRA-ILA for I-594 going unopposed in Washington State.

    The NRA-ILA is an unmitigated liability for gun owners, it serves to siphon donations away from groups that are actually effective and engaged in protecting Second Amendment rights.

    I say that as a Patron Member of the NRA and father of three Life Members, but the truth is the truth. I also would encourage you to provide TARGETED financial support for the the NRA’s Firearms Safety and Competition programs.

    Unless and until there is a wholesale change in the leadership of the NRA-ILA it will function as a bureaucracy that is effectively a wholly owned subsidiary of the Republican establishment and as unaccountable and unrepresentative of members interest as the Republican establishment has become.

    For now send your Second Amendment donations to Gun Owners of America instead.

  6. Then pass a law making us all FFL holders. Then pass a law that FFL holders don’t have to file paperwork unless it is known the recipient is going to use the weapon unlawfully. Because, authorities never seem to know the motive of terrorists and mass murderers…

  7. @B Woodman: I found the following definitions for WWNC:

    Will Wonders Never Cease
    Wonderful Western North Carolina
    World Wide Newton Conference
    Wholly Water Networker Club
    WWNC (570 AM), a NC radio station

    None of those really seem to fit your comment, though.


  8. Try, “We Will Not Comply”.
    Working so far in NY, Co, CT. Massive Gun Control laws have been passed, and the compliance rate has been 5-15%. What a raging success!

  9. The NRA-ILA has a full time representative located in Sacramento CA. Hasn’t accomplished a damn thing because of it. Ca has the worst gun rights in the nation next to NY.

    Tell me again why I should dump money into a dead horse?

    Besides, as a newly created felon, I can have anything I want now.

  10. Bloomberg was successful in getting this idiotic law passed in Oregon last year after spending 10s of millions. It breaks my heart to see how left my state has turned in the last 20 years thanks to the huge influx of SJWs from California. Even more since marijuana is now legal.

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