Brennan’s CIA Tasked “Five Eyes” Nation Intel Agencies to Spy on the Trump Campaign – IOTW Report

Brennan’s CIA Tasked “Five Eyes” Nation Intel Agencies to Spy on the Trump Campaign

The Federalist

“Multiple credible sources tell Public and Racket that the United States Intelligence Community (IC), including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), illegally mobilized foreign intelligence agencies to target Trump advisors long before the summer of 2016,” the publications reported. “The US [intelligence community] asked the ‘Five Eyes’ intelligence alliance to surveil Trump’s associates and share the intelligence they acquired with US agencies, say sources close to a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HSPCI) investigation.”

10 Comments on Brennan’s CIA Tasked “Five Eyes” Nation Intel Agencies to Spy on the Trump Campaign

  1. Breaking American laws: hiring foreigners to do the jobs Americans just won’t do.

    Did rhey ask for the quantity discount for bioweapons labs? (tje only reason to “defend” Ukraine is to hide the whos and whats of that activity).

  2. it is illegal for the government to spy oon its citizens without a good, court ordered reason.
    that’s why the govt gets apple google facebook, etc oto do it for them
    and why they use ‘5eyes’ to also do it
    and the 5eyes spying is done ‘onshore’ within the boundaries of the US, with our personnel sitting next to them, directing their actions, using our equipment, probably in maryland

  3. The m—-rf—-r still has a Security Clearance. I know, PDT said he was revoking it, but, as usual, the conniving deep state thwarted him. And then they had the gall to whisper to their journos that Trump was too lazy to follow through on his threat.

    I lt’s almost as if this old info coming back to light now, and the new info which is being promised, is meant to light a fire under the asses of scum like Brennan and to get the old gang back together to sabotage PDT again so they can make sure they are safe from “retribution” is PDT wins again.


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