BRIC Nations Chipping Away at America’s Global Financial Hegemony – IOTW Report

BRIC Nations Chipping Away at America’s Global Financial Hegemony


The BRICS trade and economic partnership group is made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa {GO DEEP}.  The alliance was originated in part to explore alternatives to the dollar as a global trade currency.  They discussed several options in their prior meetings long before Russia took action into Ukraine.

With western sanctions against Russia now in place, there are increasing reports that China and India have developed alternatives. More

What nation wants to hold US Dollars after years of your government inflating the green back into oblivion? Dr. Tar

7 Comments on BRIC Nations Chipping Away at America’s Global Financial Hegemony

  1. Modern currency is largely based on trust – do you trust the government issuing the currency to stand by its currency? Our current politicians, led by Biden and the Democrats but assisted by a lot of Republicans, are doing their best to destroy confidence in the dollar. But does the international market trust Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa? Personally, I don’t think so, but I wouldn’t put it past Biden’s handlers to give the BRICS a run for their money in the gross incompetence/corruption arena.

  2. What did you think would happen when you PRINT MONEY like madmen and Your primary INDUSTRY in America is manufacturing HITS on the LIKE BUTTON?

  3. @Dr. Tar

    > What nation wants to hold US Dollars after years of your government inflating the green back into oblivion?

    What (meat bag) idiot was willing to hold “green backs”? After the issuer allowed anyone with a letterhead to steal them? At will? No gun required. For DECADES!?

    Play stupid games. Win… well you just lose, tard.

  4. @Wild Bill March 16, 2022 at 5:36 pm

    > The Federal Reserve is the largest holder of US debt.

    The United States “money” is ALL Federal Reserve “money”.

    And ALL Federal Reserve “money” is EXCLUSIVELY debt.

    There is no “there” there. There never was.

  5. “Buy gold and silver now”?


    How much is gold and silver worth? I don’t mean what is the current price per ounce in over-inflated USD, but what is it really worth? Sure, you’ll pay nearly $2000 for an ounce of gold today, but what would that ounce of gold have gotten you 100 years ago? 50 years ago? What will it get you once there’s no longer a dollar to compare it to?

    The number of people who have ever purchased anything with gold is approaching zero. We’ve seen gold prices in the US set so high for so long, I’m afraid we no longer have a clue what the real value of gold is.

    When SHTF time comes, no one will trade in gold, but in knowledge, skill and resources: things that can’t be easily picked off your fresh corpse.

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