Brokaw “Letter of Integrity” – Women Reportedly Felt Pressure To Sign It – IOTW Report

Brokaw “Letter of Integrity” – Women Reportedly Felt Pressure To Sign It

Linda Vester is simply responding to the #MeToo movement that have women all over the country racking their brains to think of any incident in their lives where they were put in an uncomfortable situation that involved the opposite sex —-> and not just a gas station attendant. They need big fish.

But some big fish are more equal than others. As soon as the face of NBC news, Tom Brokaw, was netted, #MeToo was put on the back burner, and the woman “who must be believed” was attacked.

5 dozen women from NBC signed a letter saying Tom Brokaw is as pure as the driven snow. Rachel Maddow, among the signees, assured everyone that Brokaw never came on to her inappropriately. (I am currently fighting laughter.) I’m not saying Brokaw did anything wrong, but how would these women know if he did or not?

Haven’t women been fooled by serial sexual predators in the past? “I had no idea! He seemed to be a great guy,” say both the victims and the people who knew him. Ted Bundy was said to be a charming guy. A woman author who wrote books about serial killers had Bundy as an employee in her office, not knowing he was a rapist and murderer.

So what is this letter worth???

Welp, forget Brokaw. It turns out women are reportedly coming forward with an even more sinister story, and this indicts all of NBC.

They say they felt pressure to sign the letter.



13 Comments on Brokaw “Letter of Integrity” – Women Reportedly Felt Pressure To Sign It

  1. These elitist prima donnas like Brokaw are the perfect candidates for abusing their “inferiors”. This bloated ego looks dirty like so many of these leftist abusers. Fun to watch these rats squirm. : )


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