Brooklyn Débuts Crack Pipe Vending Machine – IOTW Report

Brooklyn Débuts Crack Pipe Vending Machine

The Police Tribune

The Big Apple introduced its first free health vending machine on Monday, touting their contents of lifesaving meds for opioid overdoses, safe sex kits, and clean crack pipes and other drug paraphernalia.

The first such vending machine was set up in Brooklyn but it’s free for any resident of New York City who wants to help themselves, FOX News reported.

In lieu of the typical snacks and sodas found in regular vending machines, the new city-owned blue boxes will contain potentially-lifesaving Naloxone for drug users who have overdosed on heroin, fentanyl, or other opioids. More

15 Comments on Brooklyn Débuts Crack Pipe Vending Machine

  1. If the stuff is free, then that isn’t a “vending” machine. It’s a sin subsidy dispenser. Remember: when you subsidize something you always get more of it.

  2. Recognizing the hetero-normative guardrails that probably limit my imagination, are “safe sex kits” condoms? Why not just say condoms? Is “condoms” one of those words that became persona non grata (like “biological” women) and nobody told me?

    I wonder if these safe sex kits include a copy of The Rational Male, which tells men to stir clear of crazy women. Now that is safety.

  3. If you’ve watched those reality cops shows, have you noticed that nobody has a driver’s license, proof of insurance and/or valid registration, but everybody has a crack pipe?

    What about the guy who restocks the crack pipe machine, is he guilty of being in possession of drug paraphernalia? Can the crack addict just say that he’s going to restock a machine when caught with a crack pipe? Asking for a crack addict.

  4. As a libertarian, I have always been in favor of ending the immoral war on drugs/freedom. The DEA and CIA are making more money from prohibition than most cartels, and most of our recent wars have been over control of opium and cocaine territory (Vietnam/Laos, Central and South America, and Afghanistan). A fully legal marketplace would put these criminals out of business and keep our troops much safer. That being said, STEALING money from taxpayer to SUBSIDIZE people’s habits is beyond immoral and MUST STOP. Government at this point is simply trying to MURDER as many people as possible, and these freebies are just a way of helping matters along.

  5. “health” vending machine.

    “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
    Isiah 5:20

    …as far as I can see, the contents of this machine are to facilitate the destruction of health, not to promote it. Like any tool there are items that can be used for good, but instead are being used to provide a false sense of security, an illusion of responsibility, while giving the patina of official acceptance to destructive and irresponsible behavior.

    Take the Narcan, for example. I have advocated here before for Narcan so I obviously do not view it as malum in se. It has a place and a purpose and works very well to help rescue people from accidental overdose.


    …because Narcan doesn’t “fix” the problem, although its presented like it will.

    “Advocates also said the new machines will save hundreds of first responder hours if police and EMS don’t have to go to as many overdose calls.”


    Because Narcan may not outlast the overdose, so the person may relapse after a short time. Gonna run out to the machine? And Narcan doesn’t address non?opioids like Xylazine or other “mixed pleasures”, so it might not do anything at ALL. The machine also doesn’t tell you your victim may come up puking, fighting, or both. You ready for that?

    …and then you get into codependents taking turns narcing each other. That only works till someone screws it up, then the other person is dead. I carried a guy to his grave who did exactly that, so I know whereof I speak.

    I shudder to think what’s in a “Safe sex kit”. Condoms, I assume, but what else? Barrier cream that does nothing about STDs? Abortifacients so at least ONE person dies? “Kit” implies more than one component, but since the “Safe” part is a palpable lie among hook-up and/or prostitution sex anyway, maybe that part’s a lie too.

    And the crack pipe is straight-up enabling.

    And I guess the lip balm can buffer the effects of your meth mouth, maybe improve the oral sex for whoever you’re blowing for drugs. Don’t really see the point beyond that.

    …these are not a kindness. These are just there to grease the skids into the grave, all at the expense of what few taxpayers are left that may not want to subsidize the sex-and-drugs lifestyles of others.


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