Brother versus Brother for Pitcher’s MLB Debut – IOTW Report

Brother versus Brother for Pitcher’s MLB Debut

10 Comments on Brother versus Brother for Pitcher’s MLB Debut

  1. A whole lot of empty seats! I was shocked; entire sections along the third base line.
    Score was 2-5, bottom of the 4th, game started just after 7 eastern, couldn’t have been that late where people decided to leave.
    Wow, and the camera angles while “hazing” out the background to try to hide the vast space in-between spectators.
    Crazy. It’s kind of like people are sick and tired of something. What could it be I wonder?

  2. Both Teams aren’t doing well in their perspective Divisions…

    Now if it had been in Miami….1200 People tops….and drunker

    than Cooter Brown…Still cannot believe that Stadium got

    financed by the City/State….


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