1. Sucks to be them.
    I’ve never heard of running out of water.
    Where I live, 60+ years; never once had a run out of water type drought. I run my lawn sprinklers anytime I want.
    Plus the city water is really cheap.
    Biggest problem is the pressure is 105 psi. I had to get a pressure reducer. Mine is now 60 psi.
    105 was stinging in the shower.

  2. I hate the current buzzword “optics” but:

    “As Gov. Jerry Brown and state water officials say residents need to cut back on water use, sprinklers at the state Capitol were found spraying water into the street over the weekend.”

  3. So sad. I pray for CA and water. Especially one day last week while 72,500 gallons fell on our God’s little acre during a 3 inch rain. That really brought me to thinking.

    I just cannot understand that after so many years of technology and the centuries of brilliant civil engineering of water resources, that CA hasn’t been able to store/contain water for future use, by the waters that caused mudslides.

  4. @PJ – I’m sure they have the technology & engineering, but it’s use is being blocked by the environmental nut jobs. Maybe the ENJs will sue Mr Moonbeam over failure to water an endangered insect that lives in the ground in the town. You know how they are all out to save a bug, worm, or mold, but save a human beings way of life, ah screw those people.

    ( locally the state stopped cleaning out roadside drainage ditches a decade ago. Why? Because of the bugs, worms, fungus that may live there. Better safe than sorry. Now heavy rains cause more flooding than it ought to)

    Anyway, Mountain House is a town ?! Who knew? I thought MH was a dehydrated food company. Making light meals for the backpacking types.

  5. We have been FCUKED by CA liberals and environmentalists for decades, and the electorate will NOT learn, will vote INSANELY again and again, even when faced with disaster.

    Makes you wonder what if ANYTHING will ever wake CA from its drug-induced coma.


  6. Oh, Hungjumper, if only that’s l there was to it. In fact the greenies aren’t just blocking new dam construction, they are getting existing dams removed all over the country, but especially in Northern California.

  7. CA is having the Perfect Storm of Stupid-while they’re diverting 10s of BILLIONS of gallons of water for the snail darter and other BILLIONS in the north directly back into the ocean because they won’t allow the water to be pumped into reservoirs in the south, they’re forcing 100s of 1,000s of acres of farmland to lay fallow.

    They’re proceeding with the idiotic Bullet Train into sparsely populated areas of the state instead of completing water storage reservoirs.

    They’re allowing MILLIONS of illegals into the state, immediately giving them DLs and access to all the goodies.

    Read VDH’s essay this morning entitled Goodbye California and weep for the idiocy. It used to be called the Golden State for a reason

    I’m sorry but I just can’t muster up any pity. The best they can hope for is a big quake that takes San Fran out to sea.

  8. EVERYTHING California suffers is self-induced.

    Shortages of any kind are a direct result of political intriguing and a rejection of the natural order.

    Why does the obvious appear mystical to socialists?

  9. The Mexicans claim California is part of Mexico, so I say let em have it and deal with it. Anything you can grow in Cal. you can grow in the south. Plus down here it’s a Sportsman’s Paradise with cheap gas and oil, the prettiest women in the country and jobs! And believe me when I say, we have more than our share of water.

  10. Yup. I was just gonna say that. I got an eyeful of info from a facebook friend who mentioned 6 dams (That she knew of) that were blown up since the 80’s and 90’s. This isn’t recent stupidity. This goes back for decades.

  11. You know, this would make a great movie. America is destroyed by a man-made disaster that could have been avoided. The government orders people to stop drinking water so the environment can become healthier and as a result, many die. Sounds just like what is happening here.

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