CAIR Official Arrested For Soliciting Sex With Children – IOTW Report

CAIR Official Arrested For Soliciting Sex With Children

A man identified by CAIR as “an active community organizer in Orlando Florida,” Ahmad Saleem, was arrested recently seeking sex with children between the ages of 10 to 14. He was caught in a massive sting operation that caught 101 people.

Among the accomplishments listed for Mr. Saleem on the CAIR website (before they took it down) was board member of Muslim Youth Project USA and the Saleem Academy for Muslim youth.


Saleem wasn’t the only creep who worked with children. Among those arrested were those who worked at major Florida theme parks. Approximately 22 individuals showed up at a house in Clermont looking to have sex with children (including Mr. Saleem) another 79 were arrested on charges connected to prostitution.

17 Comments on CAIR Official Arrested For Soliciting Sex With Children

  1. Moe-ham-id was all about this kind of thing. As Moe-ham-id is the prefect role model for all good Muslim men to follow it only follows that anyone who is against/critical or otherwise would frown on this kind of activity is 1. a bigot and an Islamaphobe 2. is guilty of antagonizing all “good” Muslims and therefore 3. will be culpable for any offend pious sons of allah who may feel the need to explode in his anger but not before managing to murder as many infidels as he can manage.

    I mean, yes, we have our freedom of speech but we all need to ask ourselves “Should we be critical of another’s faith knowing Muslims have such tender hearts and feelings that the slightest critical remark/question could cause the most pious among them to go completely crazy-8-bonkers so as to make the term “going postal” sound like a joke?”

    The answer of course is: YES! Screw Islam and damn anyone who makes excuses for it or would have any rhetoric critical of it suppressed so as to keep the allah monkeys passive.

  2. @Tim – It won’t do any good to cut off his penix. Haven’t you heard that a penix will always rise from the gashes?


    (Sorry about that one – Devil made me do it.)

  3. Muhammad loves the little children,
    ALL the children of the world.
    Be they boy or girl or it,
    He does love them where they sh1t.
    Muhammad loves the little children of the world.

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