CAIR Slams Disney’s New Aladdin Movie For ‘Racism, Orientalism & Islamophobia’ – IOTW Report

CAIR Slams Disney’s New Aladdin Movie For ‘Racism, Orientalism & Islamophobia’

Godfather Politics: 

CAIR calls on movie reviewers to address the racial, religious stereotypes perpetuated by the new ‘Aladdin.’

“The overall setting, tone and character development in the ‘Aladdin’ story continues to promote stereotypes, resulting in a perpetuation of Islamophobic ideas and images. We urge the public and film critics to scrutinize the new production of ‘Aladdin’ in light of its historical context and today’s toxic environment for all minority communities.” more here

21 Comments on CAIR Slams Disney’s New Aladdin Movie For ‘Racism, Orientalism & Islamophobia’

  1. “The overall setting, tone and character development of Islam continues to promote fear, resulting in a perception of Islam as a barbaric terrorist cult. We urge the public to scrutinize Islam in light of historical context and today’s toxic environment created by the Islamic communities.”

    Fixed it for them.

  2. In the Immortal words of Miles Goodwyn and April Wine

    “I don’t CAIR”

    I remember a few years back an Asian Comic was talking about

    Ramen Noodles and said “Oriental flavor…What the hell is that?”

  3. They Hate Jews
    They Hate Christians
    They Hate Atheists
    They Hate Gays
    They Hate dogs
    They Hate bacon
    They Hate wine
    They Hatte beer
    They Hate booze
    They Hate our Civilization
    They Hate our traditions
    They Hate our country
    They Hate us.
    Then they complain about “Islamophobia”!!

  4. “I remember a few years back an Asian Comic was talking about

    Ramen Noodles and said “Oriental flavor…What the hell is that?””

    Somewhere north of water chestnuts and south of wasabi.

  5. ‘Racism, Orientalism & Islamophobia’

    Aren’t these the reasons that NASA trashed itself when it caved to islam?

    And isn’t anyone who knows world history and can read the tenets of their ummm, ‘religion’ fully justified to be afraid of them??

  6. Literally just saw the movie.
    I didn’t see a single goat or child bride. No hint of islamafobia at all.
    They went with more of a Hindu vibe.
    Will Smith ain’t no Robin Williams

  7. I really don’t give a phlying phuck what the anti-American goat phuckers say. As far as I’m concerned they are classified as a terrorist organization that hates America…just like the phucking democRATS!


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