California: Woman Fakes Car Trouble, Has Armed Kids Rob Good Samaritan Who Stopped to Help – IOTW Report

California: Woman Fakes Car Trouble, Has Armed Kids Rob Good Samaritan Who Stopped to Help

h/t Joe.

How long until Senator Kamala Harris comes out and says these kids “represent our future”?

From CBS 13:

STOCKTON (CBS13) — It’s a stunning case in Stockton. A woman is accused of using children to help her commit an armed robbery.

CBS 13 screenshot

Flavia Ambriz, 42, is accused of planning the attack, pretending she needed help, then robbing the man who came to her aid. She used two kids as her accomplices, each armed with a handgun.

San Joaquin Sheriff’s deputies released photos of the weapons seized in the arrests. Deputies say the children surprised the man with their guns drawn.  WATCH:

27 Comments on California: Woman Fakes Car Trouble, Has Armed Kids Rob Good Samaritan Who Stopped to Help

  1. She better hope Jeff Sessions doesn’t get on her case. Boy, she would be in trouble then. I heard he is known as the “silent assassin”. Nobody wants to have him on your ass.

  2. This keeps me from stopping and trying to help. This has happened all too often. I’ll get 1/2 mile down the road and call 911, let them handle it, they get paid to help people in “distress.”

  3. Too bad for the good Samaritan, but consider this: Want to go fishing? Need a fishing license, costs $$. From a boat? Need boat registered, costs $$. The boat trailer needs a license plate, costs $$. Going to pull the boat with a vehicle? Vehicle needs a license plate, costs more $$. Too bad about the good Samaritan getting robbed when he stopped, but I’m getting robbed EVERY FUCKING DAY! There’s no need to lock the doors on my house, taxed at more $$, because the chance of being robbed by a “criminal” is way small compared to the certainty that I’ll be robbed EVERY FUCKING DAY.

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine MARCH 16, 2018 AT 9:13 PM
    Amen Galt, I may have to find a good small gun for concealed carry in the Summer.

    J-Frame Snub

    Or one of the many compact 9’s or 380’s if you want semi…

  5. Short Smith 19…. goes where I do. I would have hated to shoot that scrunt’s kids though……

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. If they’re holding a gun, they’re not innocent bystanders. They can kill you just as dead as an adult. No hesitation in taking them down too. I wouldn’t feel good about doing it but I’d still be alive.

  7. Summer carry can be problematic. I went with a Glock 43.

    I use both a iwb holster or a sling bag. Look at the dressing styles in your area, man bags are popular now.

    I might’ve just blown them the fuck away.


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