Canadian arrested outside White House allegedly wanted Trump’s advice on finding a wife: report – IOTW Report

Canadian arrested outside White House allegedly wanted Trump’s advice on finding a wife: report

He knows the president has good taste in wives.

But he doesn’t know the president does not drink.

Next time bring Diet Coke.


A Canadian man arrested Wednesday on suspicion of moving a White House security barrier said he wanted to deliver two bottles of Crown Royal whiskey to President Donald Trump and solicit advice on how to find a wife, authorities said.

Yianny Georgopoulos was arrested by D.C. police and faces an unlawful-entry charge.

In an interview with U.S. Secret Service agents, Georgopoulos allegedly said he wanted to deliver the bottles of whiskey to the president, NBC Washington reported.

Authorities said Georgopoulos moved a bicycle rack that had posted warnings that the area was restricted just after midnight. He reportedly exited the area after several commands from a Secret Service officer.

Georgopoulos also allegedly admitted to investigators of a recent arrest for threatening family members and stalking a cousin, the station reported. The Secret Service did not immediately respond to a Fox News request for comment early Thursday.

11 Comments on Canadian arrested outside White House allegedly wanted Trump’s advice on finding a wife: report

  1. Canadians are not to smart are they? Bringing whiskey trying to a POUTUS who doesn’t drink and has been divorced twice to ask him for advice on how to find a wife with out an appointment not to smart. Now if he wanted advice on how to get a divorce without losing everything and still bang lots of hot women that might make sense.


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