Canadian service members, legal ‘Samurai for hire’ go to court to stop military COVID vax mandate – IOTW Report

Canadian service members, legal ‘Samurai for hire’ go to court to stop military COVID vax mandate


As U.S. service members ramp up their legal challenges to military COVID-19 vaccine mandates, their Canadian counterparts are joining the action.

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) said Tuesday it had filed “the first of many [planned] injunctions” against the dismissal of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members for refusing the shots “on the basis of health concerns, religious or conscientious objections.”

The Canadian civil liberties group has received “hundreds of requests” for help since January from active-duty members who are facing removal under the Item 5(f) process, it said in a press release

CAF considers them “unsuitable for further service” because they developed “personal weakness or behaviour” due to factors “wholly or chiefly … within [their] control” by refusing COVID vaccines.

Canada’s Department of National Defence confirmed to Canadian news organization True North in November that members of the armed forces risk removal as “unsuitable” unless they get an approved accommodation. CAF’s vaccination rate was 98.3% in January when it launched formal proceedings against more than 900 members for noncompliance, The Canadian Press reported. MORE

3 Comments on Canadian service members, legal ‘Samurai for hire’ go to court to stop military COVID vax mandate

  1. “CAF’s vaccination rate was 98.3%”

    Wow, just wow.
    Marching off to Ukraine to die in Shitpants’ Folly doesn’t sound too wacky now, does it

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