Capitol Hill Pharmacist Drops Bombshell – IOTW Report

Capitol Hill Pharmacist Drops Bombshell

It’s a quaint pharmacy, open since 1867, in the Capitol Hill section of DC – Grubbs.

The pharmacist, Mike Kim, dropped a bombshell during an interview.

He says he’s filled and delivered Alzheimer medication to congress.

Gee, I wonder who that could bPELOSIe!!!

40 Comments on Capitol Hill Pharmacist Drops Bombshell

  1. Probably most of em.
    Back when there was a Capitol Physician (early 70s) in my capacity as a stooge in the House Superintendent’s Office, I delivered psychotherapeutics.
    The guy from Capitol Liquors was always making deliveries of medicinals, too (he claimed they were the poorest tippers in DC).
    The maggots in Congress are so immersed in shit they no longer smell it. That’s why shit-stains like Pelosi, Boxer, Schumer, and McCain can’t tear themselves away – till death do they part.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Wow, if you’re going to hack someone’s computer it sounds like the pharmacy computer is the one most fun. They probably use alias’s however if you managed to get the records you could, with a little work, figure out who’s getting what. Would probably answer a lot of questions about behaviour on the hill.

  3. I wonder if the prog psychiatrists and psychologists who want to “analyze” Trump’s suitability for the presidency are willing to look at who in Congress is taking meds for the brain? Naaaaaa

  4. MJA, Hank Johnson wishes that was the explanation for his ineptitude.

    I’m old enough to remember when the talking heads of the day mused that Reagan should be forced to take a senility test, live, on TV. We don’t need to ask for one because every time the Dem elite take to the press conference all the evidence one needs is on display. And this is their best, their 1st string, their top tier players. Their back up QB… Keith Ellison. … Bwhahahaha!

  5. Dianny, that’s what I was thinking too. If he releases just one set of initials, he will be barred from everything having to do with medicine.
    He probably wouldn’t be able to buy sudphed PE at the drug store. lol

  6. @organgrinder:

    I wonder if hed be open to sending some rat poison.

    I’d bet he already does: coumadin, a/k/a warfarin. It’s a blood thinner and not an unusual prescription for old stroke- and heart attack-prone people. In large doses, such as delivered to rats by warfarin-based poison, it things their blood to the point where internally they leak like sieves and bleed to death inside. All the pharmacist has to do is get the dosage and/or directions wrong, and we’d have a little swamp draining to applaud.

  7. H e never mentioned anyones name, only the fact that senility drugs are going to Crapital Hill. I think the public should know. Especially all those that haven’t noticed by now.

  8. MJA- That is only a very preliminary list, Sheila Jackson at Texas should be on there. in my ” professional medical opinion” probably not more than 50% required daily medication, or whiskey!

  9. Would like to listen to them if the pharm would substitute placebos. I think he already did that to Plousy’s script.

    Sorry thing though is that their voters brains are just as muddy as theirs.

  10. MJA’s list:

    Maxine Waters
    Hank Johnson
    Rosa DeLauro (look at her!!!)
    and Elijah Cummings”

    When are these people up for election? Any chance they will be dumped or are they in for life?

  11. my bet is that all of the Democrat Party politicians are getting Valtrex meds for chronic Herpes. And a shitload of politicians from both parties are probably on massive amounts of opioid painkillers because it’s such a pain in the ass fucking over the American people.

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