China “Detains” President of Interpol – IOTW Report

China “Detains” President of Interpol

The head of the International Police Agency, Meng Hongwei, had been missing for nearly two weeks on a trip back to China.
France had opened an investigation into Meng’s disappearance last week after his wife asked authorities there to find her missing husband.

Today, Chinese authorities have released a statement that they are holding Meng on suspicion of bribery and that he is now the former head of Interpol. More

Now, Meng’s wife, Grace has stated fear for her own life and the French have taken the threats seriously enough to place her under police protection. More

6 Comments on China “Detains” President of Interpol

  1. American businesses have already let China so far up their asses to gain access to their market that they will side with a murderous Communist dictatorship over the country that makes their rights possible.

    Russia, China and Turkey have all gone on killing sprees of whoever is investigating their frauds this last month.

    And we have thousands of their spies in colleges and corporations, not to mention tens of thousands more of the college kids of the dictatorship living lives of conspicuous consumption here that would get them locked up at home.

    No good citizen score for you.

  2. Meng’s wife, Grace has stated fear for her own life and the French have taken the threats seriously enough to place her under police protection.

    Police protection against the worry of the foreign wife of the foreign bureaucrat of the international bureaucracy.
    Rape gangs for the peasants.

  3. Shows what Interpol is worth. Same with the UN. Same with the ICC and those other globalist bodies.

    Hey! Give us our Chief Director back!

    Oh, yea? You and what army?

    Where’s the UN resolution condemning? The vaunted World Community?

    Kick these tyrants out of the WTO yesterday.

  4. @Cliche Guevara October 10, 2018 at 8:25 am

    “Spies”? A spy must lie about their loyalty.

    “I have come here to take your wealth to my people”, is not “spying”. “Viking”, maybe. Not “spying”.

    “We ally ourselves with the foreigners against our neighbors”, is not “spying”. “Treason”, maybe. Not “spying”.

    Words matter. (See? “Lying”, not “spying”.)

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