China Selling US Treasuries – IOTW Report

China Selling US Treasuries

Independent Sentinel

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was questioned about China suddenly dumping $859B US treasuries (due to the war).

The U.S. knew this was coming. That is why they have restricted the dollar supply by destroying crypto exchanges, raising interest rates, and holding trillions waiting to reverse the selling off of our treasuries by buying US debt.

The spending binge is part of the problem. At the same time, the US credit rating was dropped from AAA to AA+. More

China buys our debt to offset all the imports we buy from them. A sell off even a portion of our debt held by China (roughly $1 trillion) would sink the US$, spike interest rates and inflation here at home and destroy the economy. All of this becomes a greater reality the closer the BRICS countries come to replacing the US$ as a reserve currency. – Dr. Tar

10 Comments on China Selling US Treasuries

  1. It is fragile… but dumping would harm everyone, because every single nation’s economy is propped up by a lot of hot air and the willingness to ignore the bubble we are all living on. China’s economy is in worse shape than ours.

  2. Danco’s dead on.

    They own a ton of the US Treasuries because their Money, real Estate, intelectual property, & Infrastructure are PURE SHIT.

    If they sell to much, they shit on their own foot.

  3. If only we had someone to lead us that understood the world economy.
    Someone that would stand up to those that want to destroy us.
    Someone that loved America as we do.
    If only, we could bring him back into the Whitehouse.
    If only.

  4. I guess I’m an isolationist. What do we need in this country that we cannot produce ourselves? Besides Titanium? Every other country on the planet takes advantage of us. We still send foreign aid to China. Screw em. Pull everything back with in our borders. No more foreign trade. What’s the world economy look like then. What’s our economy look like?

  5. Our infrastructure is failing rapidly. Locally, a city-owned utilities district can’t find an experienced GM to fill a vacancy which led to numerous administrative, financial and operations problems. They can’t find experienced people to fill the operations jobs. Locals are experiencing blackouts and service can’t be extended to new areas. Another regional utility serving a booming area is overtaxed. A 50 week lead time is needed to order new poles and other equipment. Boom trucks are in short supply and new ones can’t be purchased as old ones fail. It’s happening everywhere, all at once.

    Meanwhile, men dressed as prostitutes sponsored by public libraries and book stores are reading lascivious stories to innocent children and their deluded parents in towns large and small across the country. If you say anything against it, you might be arrested.

    And then there’s Joe, presiding over the collapse he touts as success, to the applause of the media.


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