Clinton nonprofit got $17.7M in foreign cash – IOTW Report

Clinton nonprofit got $17.7M in foreign cash Clinton Foundation officials used an obscure New York state charity board filing to disclose that the nonprofit organization received nearly $17.7 million in donations from foreign governments while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. The specific foreign governments weren’t identified in the document, entitled “Exhibit A.”

The latest filing was submitted last January before the public charity division operated by New York Attorney General Eric Schneidermann, a Democrat. The money was given between 2010 and 2013, the years when Clinton was America’s chief diplomat.

The January filings also were unusual in that the latest submission constituted a third “official” revised version of the Clinton Foundation’s financial statements for the foundation’s activities while Clinton was in public office.

Last November, amid much fanfare, foundation officials issued a second revision of the foundation’s federal tax filings for the four years.  MORE

8 Comments on Clinton nonprofit got $17.7M in foreign cash

  1. 17.7 million is sure a long way from what crooked hill and bill used to get for the lincoln bedroom isn’t it?

    you have to say one thing for the beast, she knows how to rake in the money.

    if only our politicians treated the public treasury like their own personal bank accounts the country would be swimming in dough not in debt for 20 trillion.

  2. Trying to get a handle on Clinton’s convoluted financial dealings with foreign governments during her tenure as SecState is like trying to dig a tick out of your ass with a garden hoe. I bet she uses a roll of quarters to pleasure herself.

  3. They screamed because Trump didn’t disclose where the $5.6 million raised for vets went fast enough. They were not impressed that 100% of the money raised went to causes with no administration take.

    Hillary gets tens of millions that they don’t disclose until their law breaking becomes public, they take 90% for lifestyle administration expenses and less than 20% of projects promised 10 years ago are underway.

    If Trump doesn’t win we’re in such trouble.

  4. So does anyone know how the hell much the fund is worth now? Wiki has an interesting article with the names of the big donors on it and I’m kind of concerned that there are several governments there. Geezuz, the Clintons really come across as cheap hustlers who made it big. Maybe Bill can afford the real expensive cigars when he goes “dippin” again.

  5. Clinton defended the foundation but admitted last week in a Politico interview that in “one or two instances” some foreign donations aiming to influence her office may have “slipped through the cracks.”
    That’s not a crack – It’s a Fault Line.

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