The family of “Clock Boy”Ahmed Mohamed demanded a total of $15 million dollars from the City of Irving and the Irving Independent School District or else they will file a lawsuit.
Lawfirm Laney and Bollinger sent the City of Irving and Irving ISD letters demanding they pay the family$10 million from the City of Irving and $5 million from Irving Independent School District for damages it claims Ahmed and the family suffered following the teen’s arrest in September, KDFW 4 reported. Otherwise, they will sue. The family also wants an apology from the Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne and Irving Police Chief Larry Boyd.
ht/ illustr8r
Sounds like a good idea, we can get the school records unsealed finally.
The City of Irving and the Irving Independant School District need to counter sue these assholes! It is unbelievable what some people can get away with.
Could have the whole family killed for much less than that!
Irving should release all the porno pictures that ClockMed drew of Allah and Mohammad fornicating goats and each other.
Yay! Let’s extort more money from the taxpayers!
If that school district gives one dime to this punk they should all be fired.
And, I’m sorry, but didn’t he parley the horror of being arrested into 1) a visit from the white house, 2) offers of corporate visits and scholarships because of his insta-fame?
What about him scaring the teacher, classmates and their parents? Pile the lawsuits back on clock boy. And the only way they’ll get the money is cause some judge will feel sorry for him cause he’s retarded.
Love the idea of counter-suits for pain and suffering and emotional distress.
Please let Mark Levin do the discovery!
And while the school is at it, add extortion to the suit.
Cool scam Ahmed.
Anyone else getting a rate limited that throws away your comment?
I’m on an iphone and the comment can not be retrieved.
What’s the point of rate limited?
Is he trying to live on the coast in Qatar? No, this is more like an Obama DOJ / Justice Brother shakedown. Don’t shake Clockmed’s tree. Chop it down.
What a phucking family.
What a little corksoaker
What a Country!
Inquiring minds want to know? Will he split his winnings with the DOJ, presiding Judge and Obutthole?
$15 million American tax dollars would fund some good Islamic terror.
Cockboy shall not prevail.
and who will serve the summons on a minor in Qatar?
Probably your data plan
In the right country the accusation alone is pretty much sufficient for the death penalty.
Just imagine the clocks he can build with $15 million!
I’d a stole the little bastard’s lunch money.
I’d like to help him out.
I’d like to clean his clock.
My money is on Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne. Clock Boy and the rest of the rag heads are still smarting from her moves to put an end to America’s first “Sharia Court” earlier this year.
Barry and Val J. probably had everything to do with this lawsuit. Clock Boy and family are no doubt being advised by DOJ’s Holder clone, Lynch. You can bet most of that money (if won) would go directly to making “clocks” that work.
I can’t stand that little fuckwad. God forgive me!
He’s a clocksucker, and so is his old man, the goat phucker.
“You are what you do every day.”
Fu*#&ng muslims. This is who they are. Go the f&%k home !
Non-contributory leeches. Despicable gimmes that you wouldn’t want as neighbors. Plus, no farm animals are safe around them.
He’s got that muzzie eating $h*t smile look on his b*t@h slappable face.
future drone strike (under a trump/cruz administration).
He’s an America-hating muslim who likes to build hoax bombs. This will only embolden him to try his hand at a real one. Thankfully, since he’s actually an imbecile and not the genius Obama declares him to be, it’s only a matter of time before his tinkering gets him a meeting with mohammed in hell.
Look, a young Jesse in the making.
Begin by killing those two lawyers and everyone in the firm!
Time for this little ruffian to get his ass lashed.
Anybody who is over the age of eighteen and not a party to the case.
No the whole thing will probably go straight to ISIS.
If Obama doesn’t tell him, “You didn’t build that,” can I have the honor?
I’d also like to kick his Muzzie ass into next year.
I like to think of it as a matter of time.
Bah-dum-ting. I’ll be here all night.
And the litigation jihad continues for the mohamed cult.
Look at the fucking smile on that jihadi piece of shit. He’s really hurt by all this, ain’t he?
Getting lazy 😉
Congratulations? I guess? ??? Good case for the edit button?
give ’em an inch, they take a mile
I would not be surprised if the white house lawyers suggested to clock boy family to sue.
Glocksucker, yes?
Just proves that moslems are cockroaches.
is clock-med even in this country any more? I thought he went to mecca or something.