college prof tells students Trump’s election was an act of terrorism – IOTW Report

college prof tells students Trump’s election was an act of terrorism

She needs to be fired. NOW. The rhetoric is out of hand, and these charges of racism and being called deplorables and being characterized as the worst human beings possible is not comical any more.

ht/ Sam S.

15 Comments on college prof tells students Trump’s election was an act of terrorism

  1. Seen this on FB. Several times. I can’t pronounce this woman’s name. I think she’s illegal. Our beef isn’t with her. It’s with the school district that hired her. Orange County use to be big time conservative. Let’s hope there’s still some left.

  2. It’s a good thing the people she was insulting and slandering don’t identify as snowflakes, or there would have been a lot of crying and whining.

    The matter-of-fact way she made her comments made the whole thing even worse than if she’d been on a hot rant.

  3. Tommy, all three if my kids were subjected to the big leftist slant in college. My advice was keep your mouth shut and focus on your grades. That worked with two of them. The third fought them. He ended up with decent grades but it was a fight for him all the way.

  4. Nope, but he’s a dead ringer for me. My buddies at the gym call him little Brad. That may not be a good thing. To many wind mills.
    Named him Clint, after Walker, not Eastwood.

  5. They’ll do the same crap to Trump that they did to Bush. “Trump bad! Trump bad! Trump bad! Trump bad! Trump bad! Trump bad! … etc…”
    That shit won’t fly when Trump turns around this country.

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