Colorado Store Sacrifices Nike Brand – IOTW Report

Colorado Store Sacrifices Nike Brand

Fox 21 News-

The owner of Prime Time Sports in the Chapel Hills Mall announced Wednesday morning that he is discontinuing the sale of Nike apparel and marking it down to 50 percent off the original price.  More


14 Comments on Colorado Store Sacrifices Nike Brand

  1. It’s Colorado Springs Co……Air Force Academy, Peterson Air Base, Fort Carson Army Base.
    Colorado is ruined by the interlopers from the Denver metro area north to Wyoming. Then the ski towns Aspen,Summit county, Vail. Even Steamboat has fallen victim. Typical shit. A forever Red state turned blue by the main population cities infested by a generation or two, maybe three of East coast and west coast assholes that needed a clean nest to shit in….

  2. and i would add a man with real guts. Most of us just dont watch NFL because it insults our patriotism. I have a close super conservative friend who is a former 25 year AF Master sargeant (retired) so dam addicted to the minnesota Yikings that he never misses a game but “none of the Yikings kneeled”. ((that just disgusts me))). yah, because the owner read them the riot act.

    However, this man puts his money where his mouth is and for that i salute him.


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