Commander Kevin Duffin, Chicago Police, On Kidnap/Torture- “Kids Make Stupid Decisions” – IOTW Report

Commander Kevin Duffin, Chicago Police, On Kidnap/Torture- “Kids Make Stupid Decisions”

The hapless schmuck said they are going to look into if  this was a case of “kids making stupid decisions” and if they were “sincere” in their rhetoric. It could of been “stupid ranting and raving.”

Chicago is in good hands… if the objective is to make it a cesspool.

30 Comments on Commander Kevin Duffin, Chicago Police, On Kidnap/Torture- “Kids Make Stupid Decisions”

  1. If it had been white kids who did this to a black man, there would be no need to look into anything. They’d be immediately charged with a hate crime, given a speedy trial, and sentenced to time in an adult prison.

    But, as this is shitcongo, those in charge are jumping through their own asses looking for a way that they can get out of charging these NAPAs with any crimes at all.

  2. Kinda like the Hillary defense (Sure, she broke federal laws and should be prison but she didn’t really mean too…). These innocent little future astronauts didn’t really mean to kidnap and torture a developmentally disabled kid.

    If Obama had sons and daughters…

  3. It’s NOT ’cause of the race.
    It’s NOT ’cause of the politics.

    Waiting for the video of the
    random kidnapping and beating
    of a retarded black
    with whites shouting

    “Nothing” to see here…MOVE ALONG.

  4. No such thing as a “hate” crime … but … sauce for the goose … and all that shit.

    What’s with the “kids” reference? These were toddlers, or something?
    I smell BULLSHIT!

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Well folks there it is. If you are counting on the police to defend your life and property, if this case is any example, you’re not just foolish to hope they would respond fast enough, now you’d be a total fool to expect justice from these amoral halfwits.

    I’d be ashamed if they were related and I’d be on charges for giving them the beating of their lives.

  6. I had just sat down at the bar for a nice lunch today. I ordered a nice barrel aged brew and a bite to eat, then pulled out my phone and saw the headline on zerohedge.

    I just about lost my appetite.

    I watched nearly all 30 minutes and aside from them talking chimp for a few minutes, everything they said was racist and filled with hate.

    How deranged is the left to think kidnapping and beating a handicapped person is better than blatant racism?

  7. Oh and never mind that it was livestreamed on a black girl’s Facebook page, so that hundreds of other black kids could … What? … be outraged by it? .. learn what race intolerance looks like?

    No evidence of race hatred here people. Move alon- … Oh look over there, some black guy said that some white kid whose parents probably voted for Trump said something mean to a Muslim girl

  8. I nearly cried. This angers me so much. I’m in tears. We should go down to Chicago and protest! Everyone fill up the Police’s inbox. If it would have been white people who did this to a black guy Ooooh goodness the left would go insane! This is full blown racism. This was a hate crime and hell the left wants to take our guns?! Seriously? So we are defenseless against people like this? Guys, I’m seriously enraged. Like I can’t breathe. I’m so sad. This is when we need to stand up against these types of people! No more! These aren’t kids these are damn adults. These types of hateful animals are what’s making America a horrible and dangerous place.

  9. Fuck you Kevin Duffin. You deserve to live in shit bag Illinois.
    You would sing a different tune if they were “the godfather’s” kids. The video was shocking. If isis had done this it would be terrorism.

  10. “Kids Make Stupid Decisions” Dufus Duffin don’t look like no kid to me, but sure looks STOOPID!! Left northern Il. in 99 the Dems have turned that state in to one beautiful place to be from!

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