Concealed Carry Without Permit Might Be Coming to South Dakota Soon – IOTW Report

Concealed Carry Without Permit Might Be Coming to South Dakota Soon

After years of unsuccessful attempts, supporters of legislation that would allow people to carry concealed handguns without a permit in South Dakota anticipate revived prospects once GOP Gov.-elect Kristi Noem takes office in January.

The legislation languished under retiring Republican Gov. Dennis Daugaard, but Noem in her campaign offered support for a so-called constitutional carry law. GOP state Sen.-elect Lynne DiSanto, who as a member of the state House of Representatives sponsored a permitless concealed carry bill that Daugaard vetoed, said such legislation is likely in the upcoming session and she’s optimistic about its prospects.

“There are a lot of Republicans that are very excited to have a conservative governor,” said DiSanto. “I think under a new governor it’s very likely to pass.”


9 Comments on Concealed Carry Without Permit Might Be Coming to South Dakota Soon

  1. To be accurate, we do not need any stinking permits to carry weapons. I know the government has strayed so far from the Constitution that we have been denied our guaranteed rights, like parts of the First and Second Amendments (religious attacks and gun control) and granted “rights” that do not exist such as murder by abortion and allowing “marriage” for perverts.

  2. I am a concealed handgun carry license instructor. I tell everyone in my classes that a concealed carry license is unconstitutional, and that our real license is the 2nd amendment.

    However, there are some good things to be said about a license, especially the training that goes along with it. A lot of the time in my courses is spent educating people about the law, when you may or may not be justified in using deadly force, and how to do your best to avoid a lengthy jail sentence.

    And, if you are going to carry in another state, it’s best to have that license.

  3. Gov. Kristie Noem will rattle a lot of heads around here. Hope she grabs hold of the rinos and beats the crap out of them and I know she will walk this bill through and she will sign it.

  4. Screw the licence and and everyone who gets away with taking your money to “give” you your 2nd amendment rights.

    Having said that, please don’t shoot anyone who doesn’t need it.


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