Connecticut: Kennedy Jr Thinks State Should Own Your Organs – IOTW Report

Connecticut: Kennedy Jr Thinks State Should Own Your Organs

“I hope we’re not counting on the Kennedy family to supply organs, especially livers”

LZ: Connecticut State Sen. Ted Kennedy Jr. (D-Branford) — son of former U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) — wants to give state government control over what happens to citizens’ organs after they die.

Kennedy recently introduced SB 750, which would automatically enroll Connecticut’s citizens in the organ donation program.

“If people want to donate their organs after death, I have no problem with that at all, but it should not be coercive in any way,” state Sen. Len Suzio (R-Meriden) told the local Connecticut newspaper The Record-Journal.

As is the case in most states, citizens currently must choose to opt into the organ donor program. Were SB 750 to pass, however, the state would automatically assume a citizen’s consent and could harvest his organs after death, unless he went through the proactive process of opting out of the program beforehand.  more here

37 Comments on Connecticut: Kennedy Jr Thinks State Should Own Your Organs

  1. And back in the 1970s, when Larry Niven wrote the Gil Hamilton stories, we all thought it was just science fiction.

    Looks like the “Organleggers” (like bootleggers, except with human organs) are real after all…only this time, they’re the government.

  2. Swell, then if you end up as a vegetable due to some accident, the state will be like:
    “He can’t see, he don’t need his corneas,
    he can’t walk so his tendons are fair game,
    he don’t need his ‘extra’ kidney,
    or that other lung,”

  3. Here’s the reason I would never fill out an organ donor card:

    The scene is a hospital emergency room where I have just been taken following an auto accident. After examining my unconscious body, the attending physician turns to his colleague and says, “Well, he probably won’t make it, but there’s a chance that we might be able to save him. However, we’ve also got Senator Kennedy in the next room. He’s an alcoholic, and he desperately needs a new liver…”

  4. Positively ghoulish. Is Kennedy going to come out with his own version of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”?

    It’s close to midnight and you
    Smell Chivas Regal In the dark.
    In the State House you see a sight
    That almost stops your heart.
    You try to run, but Connecticut
    takes your kidneys before you make it.
    You start to freeze as a government ghoul
    Looks longingly at your eyes.
    You’re paralyzed….

    ‘Cause it’s a killer

  5. Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.

    Kennedy is just more reason I don’t mention I am from Connecticut sometimes. Fortunately, he’s a rep from West of the Connecticut River where the money is. We still have a lot of good people here it’s just that we’re outnumbered by the Progs.

  6. During our lifetime the government sucks the lifeblood out of it’s citizens through unconstitutional laws, taxes, regulations and rules.
    Now in death they want our organs.
    Through government, Life has become a huge compost pile of humanity.

  7. I don’t even donate blood, so the likelihood I’ll decide to part with any piece of me is so remote it isn’t worth the bet. Not to mention, I’m not the most social person so my parts will likely reject you on their own. Also, I’ll haunt you if you take a piece of me without my conscious consent. Not haunting in a traditional way, think something more terrifying-hairy, overweight, pink spandex, lots of inappropriate touching, especially at meal times….

  8. “Can we ‘ave your liver?”

    “But I’m using it”

    “Right, what’s all this then?”

    “THat’s my organ donor card’

    “Right, hold ‘im down!” (SCREAMING ENSUES)

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