Cop Fired For Being a Sex Worker Was Named “Richard” Holder?? C’mon – IOTW Report

Cop Fired For Being a Sex Worker Was Named “Richard” Holder?? C’mon

Lots of cops moonlight as private dicks. Looks like Dick Holder is getting the shaft.

The Telegraph-

Chief Constable Giles York told the hearing at force headquarters in Lewes, East Sussex, that Richard Holder had advertised on the website using a “Sweet Sensations” account and was accepting payment for sexual encounters at his home while he was off duty and on sick leave.

Mr. York said Holder’s employment record showed he had a “pattern of disruptive behaviour that has been on the verge of criminal at times” and struggled with “under performance”, adding: “He seems to have never been an officer with any great glory about him.”

The force’s Police Federation chairman Matt Webb, representing Holder, said he had “fallen on his sword”, adding: “He fully admits all of the allegations set out against him. He took a pragmatic approach to these proceedings and has resigned. He asked me to express his apologies for his lack of judgment.”


Dick Holder couldn’t be reached.


ht/ Guinness Girl


10 Comments on Cop Fired For Being a Sex Worker Was Named “Richard” Holder?? C’mon

  1. Richard Holder? C’mon! That’s as old as Michael Hunt. (We used to call the high school librarian and tell her it was Michael Hunt’s mom, and he’s unaware of a dentist appointment and therefore needs early dismissal. Could she please make an announcement in the library that Mike Hunt should report to the office?)

    It only worked once. Gosh it was fun being immature little turds!

  2. Police Departments across the US have made terminal mistakes by hiring and normalizing homosexuals and even giving them primacy within their agencies. Even allowing them all kinds of credibility by having homo organizations, special homo days, celebrating homo accomplishmemts etc… just because of where these sickos like to stick their penis or lips.

    Every homo police organization has been plauged with pedophile scandals, child porn scandals, and rape of straight prisoners and straight subordinate scandals. But they are ignored by the national media. Of course in Britain and Australia it is exactly the same. Very disturbing.

    Homosexuals lives and identity are absolutely ruled in every aspect of their existence by where they like to stick their peepee. Its pretty sick. Its almost as bad as the teacher rape crisis we have in America that is also utterly ignored yet is at epidemic proportion now.

  3. He was questioned by detectives Mike Oxlong and Dick Hurtz before asking for his team of attorneys, Patrick FitzGerald and Gerald Fitzpatrick. They plan to blame the whole thing on mob boss Ron Zoni. District attorney Musthafa Rod Upyr Pooper will prosecute.

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