Couple Gets Vindication Over Union After 30 Years – IOTW Report

Couple Gets Vindication Over Union After 30 Years

No thanks to National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) foot dragging and willful obstinance, a Wisconsin couple finally received settlement checks from a Teamster local after a 30 -year legal struggle. “The case spanned five presidencies, dozens of National Labor Relations Board members, and numerous appearances before the D.C. Court of Appeals. In the time it took for the NLRB to issue its decision, the Pirlotts welcomed six grandchildren and four great grandchildren into the world, and Local 75 no longer exists, having merged into Local 662.” More

6 Comments on Couple Gets Vindication Over Union After 30 Years

  1. I was UAW for ten years, and a Steward for four…Mind numbingly

    stupid….We were working mandatory 58 hours a week ,every 3rd

    Saturday off….And On My only Day off Sunday…We had UAW

    Meetings…4 hours of back patting ..We had a Black Guy named George

    that got up and read a list of old Cases of Racism in the workforce

    He would just read the Titles “Simmons vs Ford” and the date…

    nothing about the actual Cases…Just the titles for 15 minutes

    I used park down the Street..Sign in…Make a lot of noise, so

    everyone could see Me..

    buy a Coke….and then sneak out in time for Football…I did this

    for all four years

  2. For anyone interested in the anatomy of a similar type case, Steven Ozment wrote _The Bürgermeister’s Daughter: Scandal in a Sixteenth-Century German Town_, about a woman who sued her own father, a lawsuit that only ended with her death 30 years later. Quite good as I recall.

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