Crap Weasels – IOTW Report

Crap Weasels

These 8 RINO traitors voted WITH Democrats AGAINST an amendment to the Corker Menendez Graham bill that would REQUIRE a CERTIFICATION from the Obama administration that Iran has not directly supported or carried out an act of terrorism against the United States BEFORE sanctions against Iran can be lifted. These 8 traitors KILLED that amendment. – C. Steven Tucker

16 Comments on Crap Weasels

  1. Both my senators from GA (Isakson and Perdue) are on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and voted for the “Corker bill” that turned the treaty clause of the Constitution on its head. Under the Constitution, 2/3 of the senate is required to approve of a given treaty before it is valid. Under the Corker bill (specific to the Iran nuclear deal that Obama falsely says isn’t a treaty), 2/3 of the senate must disapprove of the treaty or it is considered valid.

    I’ve sent these treasonous buckets of porcine excrement several nastygrams regarding this. The replies are just garbage telling me how hard they are fighting to stop the Iran deal when it was them specifically who enabled it to go through with this unconstitutional legislation sponsored by senator Bob Corker. Changing the Constitution requires and amendment but these corrupt criminals in congress just passed a law to change how treaties are approved as is clearly stated in the text of the Constitution (Article II, Section 2, Clause 2).

    Only Perdue shows up on the list above – I suspect that Isakson got too much heat from the voters and he is up for reelection in 2016 (Perdue was elected in ’14 and won’t be up again until 2020). They hope people will forget this by then.

    All of them should be charged with, tried for and duly punished for treason against the US (as I have told both of my senators repeatedly). The definition of treason set forth in the Constitution is “adhering to and providing aid and comfort to America’s enemies” – giving a country that has sworn to destroy America and Israel $150 billion constitutes quite a bit of “aid and comfort” in my book.

  2. The usual suspects. At least watching McCain fight for his political life can be fun. Damn, I hope the grassroots GOP in Arizona can come up with a good, strong candidate to challenge this assh*le and put him out to pasture. I wonder which others are up for re-election in 2016.

  3. Did they get payoffs from the Iranian-American PAC as well? I know Flake did.

    The bigger question to me is…if a US military member or civilian is injured or killed by terrorist activity that can be attributed to Iran..can these members be charged with Treason?

  4. When I listen to Michael Medved, and a caller is ranting against the lame GOPers, Medved always puts them on the spot for specifics about what the GOP h as done to anger them . I would submit to Medved that it’s an endless stream of RINO betrayal with banal shit like this that just chaps my ass. Nobody know about this stuff, and will.never know, but these assholes, for some reason, couldn’t find it within themselves to vote with their party. It is so obvious now that Congress is Professional Wrestling in suits.

  5. We must make treason a capital offense, again.

    They are entirely too cavalier about it.

    Fiorina was on the tube this AM blathering about our “leaders” in Congress! Our “leaders” in Congress? Our fucking “leaders” in Congress? WE have no motherfucking “LEADERS” in Congress!

    They are our agents – our representatives – our spokesmen.

    What The Fuck is wrong with us?

  6. And two of those treasonous traitors are from Tennessee. It sure says a lot about that state, doesn’t it? Why don’t you 2 senators fund and build another mosque in your state? Traitors.

  7. RINOs like Colon Powell……Juan McCain (R/AZ)…..Jeff Flake (R/AZ)…..Bob Corker (R/TN)…..Lamar Alexander (R/TN)…..Orin Hatch (R/UT)……Lindsey Graham (R/SC)….Dan Coats (R/IN)…… and Sonny Perdue (R/GA)……

    are the reason the REpubliCAN’T Party needs an enema.

    BTW……follow the money.

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