Crime And Lack Of Punishment In San Francisco – IOTW Report

Crime And Lack Of Punishment In San Francisco

In a series of Tweets, a vehicle rental business owner describes the barriers put in place by San Francisco that forced him to eventually take matters into his own hands and bluff the thieves out of the vehicle. More

Local News Story Here

Remember when San Francisco was the home of hero cops, like Dirty Harry and Bullitt?  Now it appears to be the city of listless law enforcers and pushers of endless paper.





12 Comments on Crime And Lack Of Punishment In San Francisco

  1. 55gr. FMJ’s would solve the issue faster. To hell with San Fransissyco’s criminal mollycoddling. If they can’t be bothered with grand theft auto, they can BE bothered cleaning up bad guy remnants, when the good guys leave ’em where they drop ’em. 😡

  2. Once government fails to perform its role protecting the legitimate interests of those who have been violated it has forfeit any legitimate claim it has to monopoly on law enforcement matters.

  3. I just did a quick search and there are a number of car security systems that use cell phone signals for remote vehicle control via your smartphone. A common feature is engine disabling. If I were in the a vehicle rental business I’d give some thought to installing these.

  4. Out of state vigilantes should go there and go Charles Bronson on the trouble makers. Both types: common criminals & politicians. If it’s not done those departing SF will invade your town & state and turn it into the next SF.

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