Crooks V. Bigger Crooks – IOTW Report

Crooks V. Bigger Crooks

Yes, the TEA Party people named in this article are skimmers and/or crooks, but Steve Latourette’s whiny screed sounds like a mafia boss pissed that there’s a new capo muscling in on his turf.


Over the last few years we have seen the rise of a new grifter—the political grifter. And the most important battle being waged today isn’t the one about which party controls the House or the Senate, it’s about who controls the Republican Party: the grifting wing or the governing wing.

Today’s political grifters are a lot like the grifters of old—lining their pockets with the hard-earned money of working men and women be promising things in return that they know they can’t deliver.

Political grifting is a lucrative business. Groups like the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks and the Tea Party Patriots are run by men and women who have made millions by playing on the fears and anger about the dysfunction in Washington. My former House colleague Chris Chocola is pocketing a half-million dollars a year heading the Club for Growth; same for Matt Kibbe heading up FreedomWorks (and I don’t think Kibbe’s salary includes the infamous craft beer bar that FreedomWorks donors ended up paying for). The Tea Party Patriots pay their head, Jenny Beth Martin, almost as much. These people have lined their pockets by promising that if you send them money, they will send men and women to Washington who can “fix it.” Of course, in the ultimate con, the always extreme and often amateurish candidates these groups back either end up losing to Democrats or they come to Washington and actually make the process even more dysfunctional.


I’ll take the amateur, thank you.

5 Comments on Crooks V. Bigger Crooks

  1. Gee imagine that, representatives who listen to their constituents are considered grifters. This coming from a parasite of the establishment status quo.

    Sounds like sour grapes to me.

  2. Steve LaTourette is just another leftist pussy that can’t man up, and argue actual issues. Just another retard that flunked the maths, majored in Poli Sci, that’s dealing in bulls**t, because he isn’t qualified for a jobs in the real world.

  3. Levin’s Article V Convention is the answer. Washington will NOT fix themselves. It’s going to be up to the state legislatures to return common sense to the country.

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