Cuomo lawyer shot in deadly mayhem before West Indian Day Parade – IOTW Report

Cuomo lawyer shot in deadly mayhem before West Indian Day Parade


A Harvard-educated lawyer who works for Gov. Cuomo was shot in the head when he was suddenly caught in the middle of a Brooklyn gunfight before Monday’s West Indian Day Parade, authorities said.

carey gabay shot in ny parade

First Deputy Counsel Carey Gabay, 43, who was appointed to the post in January, is now on life support as doctors prepare to harvest his organs later in the day, law-enforcement sources said.


28 Comments on Cuomo lawyer shot in deadly mayhem before West Indian Day Parade

  1. God damn it! The barbarians are inside the gates and the fucking politicians still don’t get it. They are out there flogging their free shit agenda and trolling for votes among the asswipes of society.

  2. My condolences to the Gabay family But Goddamn it! The barbarians are inside the gate and the fucking politicians are still out there flogging their free shit agenda and trolling for votes from the asswipes of society.

  3. I have the same question: “Harvesting his organs.” Where the fuck did that come from? How will his family feel when they read that? Jesus, we are losing our souls. What kind of moron at a hospital would say that to a reporter? What kind of reporter would print it? What kind of editor would approve it? FFS!

  4. Harvesting his organs my ass. Somebody dies in NYC it’s chow time.
    “Looks like meat’s back on the menu, boys!”
    Cuomo –
    “I want my

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