Custody battle waged over chicken that crossed the road – IOTW Report

Custody battle waged over chicken that crossed the road

chicken brown

OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — Three people are claiming ownership of the small brown chicken that fouled up rush-hour traffic in the San Francisco Bay Area earlier this week. 

13 Comments on Custody battle waged over chicken that crossed the road

  1. “On Thursday, Chip laid an egg. But the shelter will likely swap in a substitute egg for her to sit on, because it doesn’t want any more chickens.”

    Good drief! Those bay area progs can’t help themselves; now they are aborting baby chickens!

  2. There’s a rule in the universe that pertains to all typos….one isn’t able to see one’s own composition error until one makes the product permanent. So proofreading has its limitations.

  3. I always thought that Chip was a male name. How can a rooster lay an egg? They’re just lucky it wasn’t a bunch of turkeys crossing the road, turkeys cross the road single file and stop traffic in both directions to let them cross for the most part. And how did a chicken get loose in Sanfanfreako? I see chickens occasionally running loose on rural roads. The chicken must’ve been lost or he was heading for SF because he heard there were a lot of groovy chicks there.

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