Cutting Through the Ford Crapcake – IOTW Report

Cutting Through the Ford Crapcake

This is exactly what Ford is saying, reworded by Chiggerbug:

Sometime in my teens, maybe late teens or early teens but I am sure it was somewhere in my teens…when I was 15 but I don’t remember if it was in the early or mid or late part of that decade but I know it was then that I went to a party somewhere with people, somewhere between three and six who all have said they weren’t there. While at this party somewhere and at sometime, I was assaulted by one of the people who said they weren’t there at the party that I don’t remember how I got to or how I left….from someone’s house somewhere at some time.

I made a call, maybe…because this was before cell phones, from somewhere I don’t know about or don’t remember, to someone somewhere, possibly, who may or may not have answered and may or may not have picked me up from the party where I don’t know or remember where I was so I don’t know or don’t remember if or how I could have told them where I was, or where I may or may not have been…..sometime during my late teens in high school….or maybe in my early teens and I may have been in high school or maybe it was junior high school or maybe it was middle school.

The most important issue here is that I am telling the truth, the whole truth, so help me Soros.


Worded like this it becomes farce, doesn’t it? But how does it differ from Ford’s accusations?

15 Comments on Cutting Through the Ford Crapcake

  1. When I was still 14, going on 15, I attended a beer party at a small lake cottage where there was no adult. There were at least several dozen people from my high school and possibly a neighboring high school. I can name 3 people who were there and I know who took me and then brought me home. I had never drank beer before and had one or two and felt kinda crazy and was amazed how everyone was talking and laughing so much. We did not stay too late. I don’t know the exact location but I could find it now if I had to, since I know who owned it at the time. My friends discussed the incident later. Might have to check property records, but I know what road it was off of. This was in 1969. To my knowledge there were no Me too type of incidents that party. I did not tell my parents where we really went. I think at least one of my friends would recall these details, too.

  2. Along with Rape lines and the drugs how did she forget the sound of him riding off on the old school Harley Davidson rat bike with straight pipes with the backfire kill switch!

    Gee Wally, hows come the Gays are getting off scott-free on this one?

    Well Beave, stick around, maybe the next figment of democRAT imagination to crawl out of the woodwork will be Bi… or sumthin with 52 genders!

  3. @TRF October 1, 2018 at 6:06 pm

    > Well Beave, stick around, maybe the next figment of democRAT imagination to crawl out of the woodwork will be Bi… or sumthin with 52 genders!

    I don’t know, @TRF. It sounds like Blasey and Mr. Mysterious tried to make Brett the filling in a Senator sandwich. He’s probably just blocking out the trauma of barely escaping with his vert-too intact.

  4. I went to a “kegger” in 1970 and felt a girl’s boobies while I covered her mouth with mine. I am so sorry that happened. Please forgive me Jill.
    PS: you still have nice boobs at 63.

  5. She also said during her testimony that she was pushed into the bedroom and the door was locked behind her. How many people have locks on their bedroom doors. I’ve been thinking about that a lot and scanning my vast memory bank. As near as I can recall all the homes I have lived in had passage sets (non locking) on the bedrooms and all other rooms except bathroom and entry doors. Did I live in weird houses or are locking bedroom doors normal?

  6. Ulysses, when I first read your post “I covered her mouth with mine”, I thought you meant with your boobies. Took me second read to figure what you meant.🤔


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