David Hogg Announces Plans To Start “Pillow Fight” With Mike Lindell – IOTW Report

David Hogg Announces Plans To Start “Pillow Fight” With Mike Lindell

Washington Examiner

Liberal political activist David Hogg announced he is starting a pillow company to compete with MyPillow, which vocal Trump supporter Mike Lindell owns.

“.@williamlegate and I are going to prove that progressives can make a better pillow, run a better business and help make the world a better place while doing it,” Hogg tweeted Thursday about his new venture alongside software developer William LeGate.


53 Comments on David Hogg Announces Plans To Start “Pillow Fight” With Mike Lindell

  1. Ok, that’s it.

    We need a war.

    Not a pillow war. A real, bloody, knockdown dragout. Then these tough dickheads can show their pussy faces on the front lines against China. No bullshit masks needed. Bullets and bayonets.

    Reality check, please.

  2. It’s hilarious that Hogg decides he is going to start a pillow company to compete with what is supposedly an innovative pillow company – and then asks for someone to do everything, from design to manufacture. What value are you adding David???

  3. oh pleeease! Hogg is 21 going on 16. He is a VERY young man who is trying to fit into Grown up shoes. Let him talk and threat. Let’s see where it goes. Don’t bother yourselves with this dribble. I agree with Charlie Walks on Water zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

    God Bless us all!

  4. Well he better sell them at Target for $5 because that’s the only way leftist losers will buy them.

    BTW, just a little heads up for those like me who refuse to buy Gillette products. I was at the drug store and saw these new razors, as I started reading the package, in very small letters on the back it said they were made by Gillette. I guess since nobody wants their gay shit anymore they’re having to try and trick people to buy them.

  5. Mike Lindell pillows provides a comfortable….snore, snore

    David Hogg’s pillows are made from pigs with a lisp.
    Know what a pig with a lisp sounds like??……Snort, Snort.

  6. “Hogg added that he hopes to sell $1 million worth of product in the first year, and said Lindell won’t “know what hit him.”“

    The My Pillow group had a revenue of $280,000,000 last year. Hogg should have done a little more research. $1 million dollars in annual revenue is peanuts and hardly worth noticing. I hope he’s not a business major at Harvard because selling 60 pillows a day won’t pay union wages.

  7. Is there some rule against starting pillow companies or some monopoly that My Pillow has on the market?

    No. Anyone is free to do it. It’s highly competitive to make someone care about your brand or make it a household name which Lindell has done.

    Hogg boy sees Lindell as the only manufacturer of pillows. It’s a crowded market of domestic and international competitors.

    It will be hard to get to Lindell’s level when Hogg inevitably says he will only sell products to liberals are charge double for white privilege tax. Not to mention the factory or union thug who sees this pencil necked twerp and thinks “I can work for this guy”.

    Go for it! Sign a personal guaranty and get your friends and family to cosign. Pledge their homes as collateral. Work 20 hours a day to well a product you won’t have time to use. It will be a greater education than the Harvard one he didn’t earn on merit.

  8. He pretended to “survive” a school shooting, so maybe he’s going to pretend to make pillows?

    Guys living in fantasy-land seldom do well in reality.
    Maybe he should buy a monkey and open another Neverland Ranch – “Where All the Riding is Bareback!.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I can see the commercials already. David Hogg on his belly, face down, biting the pillow in a rainbow pillow case as a line of twinks behind him are seen from the waist down chirping “it’s the best pillow, twink approved”.

  10. “Hogg added that he hopes to sell $1 million worth of product in the first year,”
    So somewhere in a forgotten George Soros warehouse will be hundreds of thousands of crappy pillows sitting next to millions of copies of the Queer Kenyan’s crappy books.

  11. What isn’t mentioned in the article is that this the little commie cocksucker is putting in 100,000 of his own money. Now how did this worthless shit stain earn that kind of money? I’ll tell you how – off of the massacred bodies of Hogg’s fellow students who were slaughtered at the Parkland School shooting. Can’t get any lower than that and Hogg is just getting started in life. This loathsome POS is the spawn of an FBI (KGB) agent and his mother, who worked for either CNN or MSNBC which explains his evilness. This punk needs to get an ass whipping to end all ass whippings to teach him a life lesson that his actions can and will have very negative consequences. He thinks he is untouchable.

    However he does bring some expertise with pillows to his new company since he bites into them at night on a regular basis.

    Anyone else notice he has grown a scraggly beard in a vain attempt to disguise the fact he has no chin?

  12. …I seriously hope he does this…this kid has ZERO idea what it takes to run a factory…that “million dollars” won’t even buy you the robots for an automated production line, let alone pay the wages and insurance on the folks who run it, the folks who manage them, the folks who clean up after them, the bathrooms, the lunchroom, the lighting in the fucking parking lot, the parking lot itself, and that’s BEFORE your liberal transgender staff sues you for not letting men in the women’s room and the liberal FEMINIST half sues you FOR letting men in the women’s room…

    …a million dollars won’t cover the bill when one of your illegals slips on ice on your sidewalk as they picket you.

    You’re a clueless fucking idiot.

    Go for it.

  13. $1,000,000 a year is $83,333.33 a month.

    Is he expecting the factory and the production supplies to be donated? I knew someone who had a large bookstore with florescent lighting in an area with cheap electricity. The electric bill was $2000 a month.

  14. “… earn that kind of money?”

    Earn what? He’s never earned so much as a dime in his whole life.
    He’s a worthless parasite, capitalizing off the dead. Making bank off murder.

    Can’t think of a sleazier profession – except lawyer and politician – certainly sleazier than prostitute, pimp, behind-the-dumpster cocksucker, and drug dealer.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. Let me see there are about 17,500 +/- public High Schools in the USA. Of which 2,227 are in FLA. and 3,892 are in CAL.

    David Hogg just happen to be there (he claimed) for both school shootings. 1 on each US Coast (East/West) wow what are the odds?

    HOGG… Just a male ?? version of Greta Thunberg.
    With a well steered agenda.

    We need to get up with him for Lottery Numbers.

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