De Facto – IOTW Report

De Facto


Yesterday, Rolling Stone reporter Kara Voght accidentally confirmed that Pennsylvania Democrat Senate candidate John Fettermunster isn’t up to the job when she wrote a puff piece about his wife Gisele, describing her as the de facto candidate in the race.

This is how completely stupid most American reporters are.

Imagine not thinking through how it might look to Pennsylvania voters that the wife of the guy they’re being asked to vote for is, in reality, the de facto candidate.

Now, this all started because a reporter from NBC News did a sit-down interview with the de facto candidate’s husband in which he had to use closed captioning so he could understand the questions. And even with the closed captioning, the stroke-addled John Fettermunster still got lost and confused.

During the segment, the NBC reporter noted that while they were engaged in small talk, John Fettermunster was unable to follow along.

His wife Gisele was so angry that a reporter dared to be anything less than sycophantic that she demanded the NBC reporter face “consequences.” MORE

18 Comments on De Facto

  1. It’s the same as….
    the dr jill and pedojoe46 drama….
    pedojoe46 has dementia….
    and dr jill likes being in charge….
    Nothing will change until someone drops dead.

  2. beachmom OCTOBER 17, 2022 AT 1:41 PM
    “Dirty Dem women are so angry and bit*hy”

    …well, considering the selection of “men” on that side, might have something to do with it…


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