Dear Minorities, YAWN! – IOTW Report

Dear Minorities, YAWN!


I’ll wear whatever the hell I want, thank you.

In fact, I may change my name.


25 Comments on Dear Minorities, YAWN!

  1. And what about St Patrick’s day? All thos assho1es wearing green garb and “kiss me, I’m Irish” buttons and getting snookered on IRISH WHISKEY!! Let those Italians and Germans and Africans and Mexicans get their own drunk out going and leave our Saints Day alone.

    I’m officially offended.

  2. & … do you really expect me to take you seriously while you sit there w/ a three-piece Brooks Brothers suit & tie w/ Wingtips, while your kids run around in blue jeans, t-shirts, tennis-shoes & baseball caps while playing basketball & your wife is straightening her hair?

    cultural appropriations my ass! … so sick of this idiocy

  3. I’m thinking an Indian headdress over a sombrero atop a turban, wrapped around an afro, w/ a dot on my forehead, a bone in my nose, giant hoops in my ear lobes, a big biscuit in my lower lip, about 7,231 discs to stretch my neck, a sombrero over a dashiki, a grass skirt, a samurai sword in one hand & a scimitar in the other … with rings on my fingers & bells on my toes … & Eskimo snowshoes on my feet
    running through the streets, screaming “how dare you appropriate my heritage!’

    damn, I forgot the tats!

  4. Dear demorats, liberals, leftists, indians, mestizos, negroes, muslims, lgbtqrsvw’s, and whatever the Hell else is out there,

    WE WON, YOU LOST. Suck it Bitches!!

  5. “Indigenous”. Man, they really don’t want to go down that road. Why? Because not all Injuns are indigenous to America.

    Navajos and Apaches. Big bad terrors of the ol’ West?

    Both tribes speak a variant of the Athabaskan language which is only found in….. CANADA.

    I know, I actually had throw up in my mouth too. Cheyennes iz Canadian, toss their asses back too… I bet someone more interested in ethnology has it written down somewhere where each tribe actually originated from.

    I’d totally be up for reuniting all those families with their loved ones in Canada and Mesiko.

  6. Dear non-Whites.
    Please leave all items invented, discovered, or perfected by Whites in the basket provided. You will be transported (at our expense) to the nearest empty field where you can stand naked as all clothing you are currently wearing falls into one of the above catagories. You will be able to communicate using sticks hitting a hollow log if you need to call somebody not in your immediate area.
    Have a nice day (:

  7. Dear Silly Shop Owner,

    At this time, you are the owner of all of this indigenous garb and are attempting to exploit my suffering for profit. That being said, I shall liberate anything I desire.

    It’s for your own good. Now. Don’t you feel better?

    Indigenous Guy.
    (But you can call me Sambo)

  8. I’m “indigenous” to south-central MO.
    I’m a “native” American (borndeded in Illinois).
    I have freckles and scars and am somewhat sun-tanned (so I iz colored).
    I don’t wear T-Shirts (I wear undershirts).

    So, basically: Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die!
    That kind of preaching went out of fashion long ago.

    Or are you implying that each “ethnicity” may only wear (and use) whatever said “ethnicity” invented? Good luck with that! Poor fukkin negroes and indians can no longer use anything with wheels? Grass skirts? Mud huts? Bones in their noses and scared of phases of the Moon? Dead of old age by 50?

    Have at it!

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. I saw some old black ladies decked out in St. Patrick’s garb on St. Patrick’s Day. I thought it was kind of humorous. Maybe they have some Irish in them, I don’t know. Lefties are stupid as well as ignorant.


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