Democrat Congresswoman Spending Her Time Helping Foreigners Cross the Border – Says they are LITERALLY running from death – IOTW Report

Democrat Congresswoman Spending Her Time Helping Foreigners Cross the Border – Says they are LITERALLY running from death

Dem Congresswoman Joins Migrant Caravan for Border Crossing, Helps Five Asylum Seekers Enter U.S.-

“I was able to successfully assist 5 asylum seekers – 2 unaccompanied minors, a mother and her 9 year old child, and a young man with a serious medical condition – into the United States,” she wrote in a tweet.

“When I read the report about a week ago that kids and moms were being tear gassed, I just couldn’t sleep,” she said. “I want to go see for myself what is happening, what happens to asylum seekers as they get to the border, how are they turned back, what’s happening to them in between, where the conditions in which they’re living.

“The president is lying about this caravan, he’s fear mongering,” Jayapal said. “He’s trying to use people who are seeking asylum and literally running from death just for his own political benefit and that’s a disgrace. He is creating a crisis at the border.”


LITERALLY running from death.

18 Comments on Democrat Congresswoman Spending Her Time Helping Foreigners Cross the Border – Says they are LITERALLY running from death

  1. …don’t congress people take an Oath of Office? Huh, they ARE!

    “The oath used today has not changed since 1966 and is prescribed in Title 5, Section 3331 of the United States Code. It reads: “I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.””

    …Didn’t she just ADMIT to violating US law and usurpation of Presidential authority? Doesn’t that violate this oath? SEVERAL violations of this Oath?

    This SIGNED and FILED oath?
    “Since the 80th Congress (1947–1949), Members have also been required to sign an oath, which is held by the Clerk of the House.” (Ibid.)

    …and not even a censure. Because, Democrat.

    …I had HOPED that, with Sessions out of the way, that we might actually, you know, PROSECUTE officials who publically CONFESS to REPEATEDLY violating Federal law. Guess Sessions wasn’t the REAL problem after all…

  2. …y’know, when Hillary steals the next election and begins her retribution against Deplorables, I’m pretty sure that those that are fleeing from Democrat death will NOT be walking down the middle of the street, on camera, carrying the flag of the Nation that’s allegedly trying to KILL them…

    I won’t have to worry myself…I have other plans for when that day comes, and include neither fleeing nor surrender, but we DO need to get the kids away from the ravenous tide of Democrat perverts somehow when the shit DOES hit the fan, and it’ll take a minute to settle the very large bill the Democrats are ringing up for themselves…

  3. “Let her sit in jail until the next judge is available. ”

    …I like it, but I like “Let her sit in jail until the next judge out of the group that Jeff Flake is blocking, is confirmed and available to adjudicate her case” MORE, @extirpates…

  4. Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal:
    Nice to know the Mattel Speak n’ Spell voting machines there function. If only the real living voters would follow-up like the good old days with tar and feathers.


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