Democrats’ Blue Wave Ain’t Happening – IOTW Report

Democrats’ Blue Wave Ain’t Happening

Political prognosticators recall recent history when the federal government was dominated by a single party for a cycle. Scanning the horizon, they seek signs that the American people want to return to divided government and will hand one part of the legislature back to the opposing party in order to get it.

Well not so fast, Democrats. So far, there isn’t a “blue wave” forming and it looks worse than ever for you to hold enough seats to stage filibusters for the remainder of President Trump’s first term.

Oh, they’re going to be the “minority party” of the future,  just not in the way they think.   More on that  Here and Here


19 Comments on Democrats’ Blue Wave Ain’t Happening

  1. What will Democrats campaign on?

    I am the OPPOSITE of everything the Republican candidate stands for.

    Vote for me! I REFUSED to let you keep more of your hard earned wages you’ve seen in your paychecks!

    Vote for me! I shut down the government because I care more about foreign invaders that I do the safety and security of my constituents.

    Vote for me! When Trump asked that we stop sending your money to countries that hate us I DIDN’T STAND UP!

    Compelling arguments.

  2. So whatcha got, Dems? Things seem to be going pretty well, and a lot of people feel a lot better about the US than under the Obama administration. So you donkeys need to offer us something better than how things are under the present administration.

    Encouraging illegal immigration? Forget DACA, which is just a tiny part of the overall illegal immigration problem, and focus on securing the borders – which you don’t want to do. You can whine about the dreamers all you want, but most Americans are focusing on the wall and border security.

    Are you offering a better economic policy? Pelosi has been bitching about crumbs (hint: $1 in my pocket is better than nothing) and Princess Clueless wants the tax bill repealed. Businesses are returning to the US, jobs are being created, and unemployment is going down. You should be jumping on board with that plan instead of acting like you want to burn the economy down.

    So basically, donkeys, you have nothing except “vote for me.” The millions of people who surprised Hillary last November probably aren’t going to change their minds, and working people hate Democrat tax strategy which is gimme, gimme, gimme. Hopefully, your party will follow the historical example of my avatar: Millard Fillmore, the last Whig President of the United States.

  3. @ Wyatt: And, perfectly displaying severe cognitive dissonance, the idiots bitch about the President’s successes with the economy, while at the same time claiming that all that success is the result of oscuma’s economic policies

  4. For years, Democrats have taken Nikita Khrushchev’s advice to heart: “When you are skinning your customers, you should leave some skin on to heal, so that you can skin them again.” This is why they promise so many things and never deliver on them: so they can make the same promises in the next election cycle without having to come up with anything new.

    Trump, however, is delivering on many of his promises. And leaders who get things done are a danger to those who don’t.

  5. I don’t want to squash any glee at the possible blue wave just being a fart bubble in someone’s tub, but I wouldn’t get too over confident. Remember, Republicans like to give away sure victories and we have plenty of RINOs to worry about.

    Will the RNC back true conservatives with their support and finances?

    Will we be able to find enough true conservatives to replace the Rs that are retiring and the Ds that we need to remove?

    If we find a true conservative running, will the RINOs sabotage him/her with their own candidate?

    Don’t want to be a downer, so I’m starting to pray that God keeps our desire to save this country in his almighty hands.

    God, please continue to bless America.

  6. @really enraged: to be fair, much of Trump’s economic success is because the economy was turning around during the last part of the Obama years. Usually the President takes too much of the blame for an economic downturn and too much of the credit for an economic recovery.

    However, Obama was held in check his last four years by a Republican Congress and not allowed to do as much damage as he wanted. And Trump exuded such confidence that any economic recovery during the Obama years was accelerated during Trump’s first year in office.

    Our economy is based on confidence; confidence that business will be allowed to prosper, that the government will not turn confiscatory, and that our money will continue to be a sound medium of exchange. This confidence was missing under Obama, but exists by boatloads under Trump. The same thing happened in 1981 under Reagan – when people feel confident, the economy does well and Carter’s stagflation disappeared quickly.

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