Denmark Ban: First woman charged for wearing niqab – IOTW Report

Denmark Ban: First woman charged for wearing niqab

BBC: The 28-year-old came to the police’s attention when a scuffle broke out between her and another woman at the top of an escalator at a shopping centre north of Copenhagen.

She was fined when she refused to remove the veil.

The new law has provoked protests and criticism from human rights groups.

It does not mention burkas and niqabs by name, but says “anyone who wears a garment that hides the face in public will be punished with a fine”.  MORE

5 Comments on Denmark Ban: First woman charged for wearing niqab

  1. Why are they allowed to walk into Wells Fargo dressed like that?
    I waited outside until it left the branch.
    Then I voiced my concern to staff. No satisfactory response.

  2. My favorite protester is the one that looks like she took her turquoise top off to use as a face cover, which left her with just a lacey bra on. That’l teach ‘em! 😂

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