Disgruntled Minority Actress – “They cast the show based on talent, there are more things that need to be considered than just that.” – IOTW Report

Disgruntled Minority Actress – “They cast the show based on talent, there are more things that need to be considered than just that.”

Talent, when it comes to casting a show to entertain people, shouldn’t be why people are chosen for a role. It should be by ethnicity.

The same goes for any other endeavor. You MUST NOT be color blind!!!

The left has ruined the world. I want them off of it.


Kent State University has canceled its plans to stage the musical “West Side Story” after some Hispanic students objected to the casting of non-Hispanic students in lead roles.

Martinez tried out for the lead role of Maria but was cast as her understudy, according to KentWired, but she insists her complaints aren’t just sour grapes.

“Once I read (the list) again and I really saw … all of the casting choices, I was just blown away because it was not correct at all,” she told KentWired.

Fellow theater major Viviana Cardenas, who lost the role of Anita to a black student, was also bothered.

“It’s more than just getting a role,” Cardenas told the student publication. “I don’t get to tell other people’s stories because of the color of my skin, but yet when there is this story that is about people of cultures like me, about people of color like me, and that gets taken away from me … that was the most heartbreaking.”

Cardenas said she believed the professors who cast the show did so based only on talent, but “there are more things that need to be considered than just that,” she told KentWired.

Eric van Baars, director of Kent State’s School of Theatre and Dance, held a town meeting on Sept. 4 where Martinez and other students aired their concerns to faculty members, according to WKSU.

After that meeting, van Baars decided to drop “West Side Story.”


I just met a bore named Maria.


39 Comments on Disgruntled Minority Actress – “They cast the show based on talent, there are more things that need to be considered than just that.”

  1. “I don’t get to tell other people’s stories because of the color of my skin, but yet when there is this story that is about people of cultures like me, about people of color like me…”
    Hmmm…Was Alexander Hamilton black?

  2. Explains why I stopped listening to music after 1992. Once the R’N’R Hall of Fame inducted RAP and FM radio considered it as a ‘genre’ they lost me. On the Hollywood side, Diana Ross was a not a bad ‘Dorothy’ in the Wiz,, oh, hell, who am I trying to kid, you know I’m just F’ing with you about that take on it. If you really expect equality, cast Oprah or Whoopi as Margaret Sanger, now that would be a real ‘conversation’ on the View.

  3. They cast the show based on talent, there are more things that need to be considered than just that.

    She’s right. The casting director should avoid taking on anybody who is stupid, anybody who has a poisonously divisive aggressive personality, anybody who obsesses over perceived grievances and victimhood, and anybody who won’t go down on the casting director.

  4. @Groucho Marxist – The Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Story! Genius! Best highest grossing Indie film ever! Dinklage can pull it off, the CGI would be amazing,,, a feel good story putting The Matrix to shame.

  5. Well it always sort of did tick me off that Cindy Crawford passed on me just because i was broke, did not possess movie star good looks, had no fame, cant sing, and drove an embarrassing dorky car.

  6. “Fellow theater major Viviana Cardenas, who lost the role of Anita to a black student, was also bothered.”

    Suck it up, buttercup. This is what you signed up for when you joined the coalition of the fringes. Know your place and stay in it.

  7. 45-70, there are things I miss of the old days, but I don’t miss the police state that the Slope has become. Plus my tolerance for cold isn’t what it once was. What camp are you in?

  8. I did 5 Arctic winters and left in ’92…but fondly remember it.

    We had our own camp. Dresser Atlas Wireline.

    I was always amazed with the light, weather, northern lights, etc.

    And yes….cold bothers me some now, too.

  9. PHenry, that’s some deep stuff! Hamilton, Jefferson, let’s not leave out Clinton or Obama. Especially Obama. He went from Bi-racial to full blown Kenyan while taking the Oath becoming the POTUS, and got re-elected! Your a better man than me for not caring, Seriously,,,,

  10. Yeah…our cutoff was -40 ambient / -100 windchill…for outside on a crane.

    On a rig….no limits.

    The coldest I was in -137 windchill…. -42 with a 40 mph wind…class IV whiteout…convoy travel only… polar bears seen on site…i couldn’t see 5 feet in front of me…let alone a polar bear. 🙂

    Great times

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