Does that look like “Allah” to you? – IOTW Report

Does that look like “Allah” to you?

Jihad Watch-

This is so ridiculous. The way “Allah” is written in Arabic, one can see it in almost any up-and-down pattern. Some years ago, a Muslim in the UK flew into a rage and started issuing threats because he thought the swirl design on Burger King’s ice cream looked like “Allah.” And in the 1990s, Muslim groups strong-armed Nike into dropping a line of shoes that bore a pattern they thought resembled “Allah.”


Now it’s this.

See what it is HERE

Question: Why wouldn’t Muslims want Allah written on stuff? It seems strange to object to what would be tantamount to free advertising for their religion.

21 Comments on Does that look like “Allah” to you?

  1. It must be a miserable existence going through life examining every little damn thing for potentially “offensive” stuff. It’s just as if it’s an industry. Oh, wait. It is another grievance industry. H & M are useless Swedish surrender monkeys.

  2. It is absurd, but then again, we have repeated sightings of Jesus in a piece of toast or the Virgin Mary on a tree. I don’t think, however, that Thomas’s English Muffins would discontinue a product line because it’s muffins kept producing Jesus lookalikes in the nooks and crannies. Then again, they just might make it a targeted campaign to Catholic shoppers. (Votive candle not included with purchase.)

  3. But Cowgirl, without knee jerk reactions and jumping to conclusions, what exercise would they get? The Women’s March is but once a year.
    President Trump is more concerned with women’s health than Mooch was, look how much he gets them to move.

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