DOJ Announces Arrests in ‘High-End Brothel Network’ Used by Elected Officials, Military Officers, Doctors and More – IOTW Report

DOJ Announces Arrests in ‘High-End Brothel Network’ Used by Elected Officials, Military Officers, Doctors and More

“Three individuals have been arrested in connection with operating sophisticated high-end brothels in greater Boston and eastern Virginia. Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others,” the US Attorney’s Office of the District of Massachusetts said. MORE

29 Comments on DOJ Announces Arrests in ‘High-End Brothel Network’ Used by Elected Officials, Military Officers, Doctors and More

  1. Relax, compromised Johns. Biden’s DOJ is firing a warning shot across your bow. As long as you continue to support the Big Guy in his time of troubles, your peccadilloes are safe with Merrick Garlick. Please carry on as usual with your whoring.

  2. OK boss,we got all the evidence against Democrats like you said and burnt it. We need to know which hooker you want associated with which conservative though before we can build the plant files.

  3. ^ We don’t apply the law to Federal criminals. Nor do we destroy our enemies.

    Nor is our money real. Nor are our elections honest.

    Nor are we following our own Constitution.

    I don’t know what we are… but other than individual virtue, we’re sucking the big phalossa.

  4. Well, looks like everyone above covered it. Just to add, this has been going on in DC forever . LBJ’s crony Bobby Baker ran several brothels in the DC area, wired with microphones and cameras to blackmail his (LBJ’s) “friends” and enemies.

  5. The Johns practically had to pass a background check in order to book a whore – name, address, employer and references. Something is fishy about this “sting “.

  6. General Malaise
    THURSDAY, 9 NOVEMBER 2023, 9:29 AT 9:29 AM
    “Something is very 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘵 here.

    Something is very 𝘳𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘵 here.”

    We second that.

    Second that.

  7. This is NOTHING except the DOJ attempting to divert attention form a) their failures b) their coverups. I have little doubt that the arrests and charges are for legitimate crimes, but there is no room for guessing about the motivation behind them. Nobody gets arrested and no charges get filed unless there is an opportunity for advancing the political agenda of those in power any longer. And I mean every word of that to be taken literally and without any reservation whatsoever.

  8. The brothel’s client list will go into J. Edgar’s filing system along with Epstein’s client list for use later. Gathering blackmail material is what the FBI is best at. That not one name has leaked is the best proof we can get.

  9. “I don’t know what we are… but other than individual virtue, we’re sucking the big phalossa.”

    Not everyone who called the USA the Great Satan was a goat-fucking mouthbreather. Nor wrong.

  10. “Commercial sex buyers allegedly included elected officials, high tech and pharmaceutical executives, doctors, military officers, government contractors that possess security clearances, professors, attorneys, scientists and accountants, among others…”

    They failed to mention the 3 main shopping categories:
    underage girls
    biologic males

  11. Eastern Virginia, is just another name for Northern Virginia where all the perverts are. Fairfax and Tysons is just a small jump from DC. Northern Virginia has ruined this state.


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