Donahue v. Board of Elections Of State Of New York – IOTW Report

Donahue v. Board of Elections Of State Of New York

Given that our judicial system relies on past precedent when making current rulings, it is going to be important to find relevant cases from the past whose jurist opinion could be used as a basis for rulings today.

One such case, where voters sued the state of New York for denying their 14th Amendment right to vote when the state election officials committed ballot fraud, is Donahue v. Election Board of State of New York. While this particular ruling went against the plaintiffs, the case defines the condition establishing harm and what is allowable evidence of systematic voter fraud. Here

13 Comments on Donahue v. Board of Elections Of State Of New York

  1. Nice but there is no time for any new election. Electors have to timely vote, else it all goes to the House. Bad.

    Only two viable remedies that I can see: courts or state election officials throw out the fraudulent votes, putting Trump over Biden. OR the Republican-controlled state legislatures pick Trump electors on the basis that absent all the fraud and “irregularities”, Trump was the winner.

  2. If the GOP doesn’t go to the mat fighting this hammer and tong they will become a conquered party with no hope for future wins! Just like FOX News lost their base, Republican support will vaporize as well, but make no mistake about it, the party will have left the people, not the other way around!

  3. BREAKING: Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified. (Per AP)

  4. The lawsuits are not going to win us the election. They might get us one state, maybe Pennsylvania, but hopes they will win us the presidency are ridiculous.

    If we are going to win, it is going to be the state legislatures that win it for us by either choosing republican electors or, withhold certification so it goes to the House of Representatives.

    Do they have any balls or are they pussies. That is the only question.

    As Dec 14 gets closer, the media is going to figure this out and put epic-max pressure on the state legislatures, along with the twitter mob threatening thier lives if they don’t certifcy for Biden.

    Will teh state legislatures stab us in the back to save their own necks?

    We’ll see.

  5. One other thing. Forget the DOJ doing us any favors under Bill Barr.

    Barr just injected the DOJ into it minutes ago. How stupid do they think we are?

    We already saw what you did in the Russiagate investigation, Barr, you deep state piece of shit.

  6. Always convinced Romney beat Obama. He had the crowds and momentum too. There were tons of anecdotal stories and likely a will to investigate—especially in Florida and Philly. It’s got to be why he hates Trump so much. I bet Obama spied in his campaign too.

  7. Look at us. We do history and law lessons, while the media tells the sloped brows dancing in the street that Biden moved nto the White House while Trump played golf on Saturday.

    We may get screwed by the system when this all shakes out, but we know how things work, and we won’t be shocked and surprised like the pea-brains will be when they find out that Joe Biden will, in fact, never set foot in the White House again. That’s going to be painful, and it’s all on the media, who themselves have dulled intellects from getting high on their supply. It’s unsustainable in the long run.

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