Door Slammed on Nikki’s VP Hopes – IOTW Report

Door Slammed on Nikki’s VP Hopes


Speaking at a rally in Concord, New Hampshire, President Donald Trump said Nikki Haley “is not presidential timbre” and “puts America last.” Effectively ending the speculation that “people familiar with Trump thinking” report Nikki Haley as a potential VP selection. More

16 Comments on Door Slammed on Nikki’s VP Hopes

  1. Make no mistake, that message was a shot across the bow of the Globalist Elite. Who I’m reading some are now throwing money at Trump. Weird. Is that for some protection or something? How do you go from financially supporting Haley, to throwing money at Trump. Make no sense.




  3. @¡BENITO! — What I’d LIKE to see is Nookie open a nail salon co-located in a North Dakota Walmart. No, wait. She’s not Vietnamese so that won’t work. She needs to change her name to Patel and buy her own Econolodge.

  4. She was maybe-maybe not until she committed one act of political suicide: sucking up to the global warming fraudsters. She exposed herself as a political prostitute. If paid enough she’d doesn’t care who she screws. Shame on her.

  5. Nikki Haley: “I will never be a VP. That is Off The Table”.

    Donald Trump: “Agreed. Your terms are acceptable.”


    Sarah Longwell was on msNBC just now, She is the publisher of the Bulwork, the Bill Krystal Project. She was pissed that MAGA is winning and she HATES MAGA. She is a real nasty piece of work with one of those thin slit mouths mounted on a frozen botoxin frozen faces. You know the type. Only two things move on that face. The lower lip and the tongue. Anyways, she’s mad at the World and wants MAGA destroyed so she and hers can get back to their sellout ways and sellout plays. She was gushing over the Atlantic mag gushing over her Bulwork gushing over Joe Biden and how great he is and how MAGA sucks. By the way, remember the Atlantic? Never Forget. If Atlantic is in the Name, It Is Shit. Stinky, runny shit.

    She reminded me of Dana Perino. Another turd. A phoney fraud that masks her true support for the other side. Check her record for yourself. She always seems to be telling the dems how to sneak stuff through congress, how to spin their failures on TV and, of course, she never fails to remind everyone how good she is. A real goody two shoes that would never do anything to get in trouble because she is just such a good down to earth gal. Of course, she does not mention anything about her behind the scenes scams. From Crypto Grifts to Book Deals and the Big One, her and her husbands fake doctor charity scam. You know, the scam where they run ads all day for docs without borders and send money for glasses for poor Africans that can’t read. Kind of like msNBC an their Desks for Africans that have never seen a desk in their lives and Stop The Hammering Larry will get them deks if you just send him more money. Those ads hve been running on msNBC since the Obama days. Anyways, back to Perino. Her scam runs like this: Docs give up their ‘Salary’ for a couple of weeks so they can take a ‘Cruise’ to some exotic foreign land, usually an Island. All the rooms, meals, entertainment and side-trips are all comped by the Charity Scam. In return the ‘Docs’ do a few menial tasks, like an eye exam and give away a few pairs of free eye glasses. This goes on for a few weeks. The ‘Charity Scam’ may even cover the ‘Salary’ that the ‘Docs’ gave up. Why not, they got the Money. When the ‘Docs’ get back home to the ‘Salary’ they gave up, they profess how good they are and plead for more money for the next trip. Also, they never neglect to deduct the ‘Salary’ they ‘Gave Up’ on the Taxes they file. What a scam! How great is that? Paid Vacations on a Free Cruise with Room and Board and Side-Trips and it is all Tax-deductable. Isn’t that Dana Perino such a good person? You should tell her how proud you all are of her and her Great American Ways.

  6. “President Donald Trump said Nikki Haley “is not presidential timbre” and “puts America last.””

    Well, Duh. MAGA DUH!

    She didn’t just suddenly blossom into a POS – she caved to the forces of Evil back when governor of SC, as I recall – rolling over and spreading her ass-cheeks for the revisionist racist maggots.

    And she’s on-board with the anti-civilization anti-human pro-Satan WEF and the Globaloney Warming scam.
    A political opportunist with no core principles – similar to Joe Manchin and some others.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Nikki has stated numerous times she has NO desire to be Vice-President. Her comments & statements further solidify that “No” desire. Door slammed back at ya! My comment, who in their RIGHT mind would ever want that position under that f-head.

  8. @Brad: How do you go from financially supporting Haley, to throwing money at Trump. Make no sense.
    They know which side to butter their bread. See, I told you God was in control.


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