Dr. Potato Head – IOTW Report

Dr. Potato Head

via StormyBogger.com

19 Comments on Dr. Potato Head

  1. The “bro” in Hasbro is as male as you can get. At least be consistent woke toy company.

    BTW. You all can thank EVERY Republican who was too pussified to fight this election fraud. Because this is the FREAK SHOW you wind up with.

  2. The “bro” in Hasbro is as male as you can get. DROP IT ASAP. At least be consistent woke toy company.

    That’s what I meant to type. My little Manderins are terrorizing me right now. 😱

  3. We live in the land of a’s.

    Abortion abomination annulment.

    Nothing is real in cancel culture…constant pressure to admit any opinion or option different from progressive thought is obsolete.


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